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本研究目的主要在探討影響組織運用人力派遣之因素,及瞭解台北世貿中心使用人力派遣的運作現況,並歸納影響其關鍵成功因素。研究方法採質化的個案研究法,以訪談方式進行個案資料蒐集,訪談要派企業、派遣企業、派遣員工三方,共九位受訪者,並根據研究主題將訪談資料整理與分析,得到以下的發現。 一、影響組織運用人力派遣的因素:要派企業因素、派遣企業因素、派遣員工因素、外部環境因素。 二、台北世貿中心人力派遣運作現況:甄選派遣企業、進行派遣人力需求評估、甄選派遣員工、三方之契約訂定、權利與義務規範、派遣員工派遣期間的管理、三方互動關係、派遣後檢討。 三、影響台北世貿中心人力派遣的關鍵成功因素:(一)派遣前:要派企業、派遣企業、派遣員工三方對人力派遣的認知。(二)派遣成立階段:慎選派遣企業、派遣費用合理化、要派契約規範、人力需求評估明確、招募管道順暢、遴選合適派遣員工、勞動契約保障、要派企業對派遣員工複試、要派與派遣企業合作認知。(三)派遣期間:建立溝通協調、規範派遣員工權利義務、提供教育訓練、對派遣員工績效評估、關懷派遣員工、對派遣企業服務評估、授權管理、派遣企業遞補人選能力、派遣員工薪資福利、派遣員工任務執行能力、適才適所、詳細規劃工作內容。(四)派遣後:有派遣任務檢討措施、要派企業對派遣關係評估、派遣企業對派遣關係評估、派遣員工對派遣關係評估。
The main purpose of the research is to analyze specific elements that influence organizations to resort to the dispatch industry and to understand the key success factors of this industry through the case study of the Taipei World Trade Center (TWTC). The research method employed was case study of the qualitative research and the data was collected by in interviews. The sample population of nine participants consisted members from the user enterprise, dispatched work agency and dispatched workers. According to the arrangement and the analysis of the research data, we can get the findings of the study are as follows: 1. The four main factors that influence an organization’s outsourcing decision-making include the user enterprise, dispatched work agency, dispatched workers, and external environment. 2. The TWTC dispatch process is similar to that of the hiring process: Need assessment, selection, contract formulation, rights and responsibilities, management, triangular arrangement, and re-evaluation. 3. The crucial element affecting the success of TWTC human-resource dispatching is the conjoint cognition for human-resource dispatching among the triangular arrangement (user enterprise, dispatched work agency and dispatched workers) before working. At the pre-dispatch phase, several areas need special attention to ensure success: Careful selection of outsourcer, reasonable wage and service fees, reasonable contract specifications, accurate assessment of worker needs, transparent recruitment process, fair selection criteria, appropriate indemnification (guarantee) for operative (labor) contract, consistent reevaluation, and understanding and cooperation between user enterprise and the dispatched work agency. Throughout the contract duration, user enterprise are obligated to establish communication, ensure worker rights, provide continuous training, deliver performance appraisal, afford emotional support, evaluate the outsourcer, delegate management, arrange alternative candidates with outsourcer, secure employee welfare, acknowledge worker competencies, locate best-fit for every position, and assist in planning and development of job description . Post-dispatch involves evaluations from all three parties, and are used to improve job descriptions for future dispatched workers. The package includes evaluations on the outsourcer from the user enterprise, the user enterprise from the outsource agency, and outsourcer from the dispatched workers.



人力派遣, 關鍵成功因素, Dispatching Industry, Key Success Factors





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