
dc.contributorLiaw, Fong-Rueyen_US
dc.contributor.authorLee, Shu-Huaen_US
dc.description.abstract大班幼兒與小一兒童對入小學準備能力之看法 摘要 本研究旨在了解大班幼兒與小一兒童對入小學準備能力之看法。以自編之「入小學準備能力量表」為調查工具,以研究者服務之台北市為目標區域,根據台北市教育局所公布之12個行政區,分層隨機(Stratified Random Sampling)按就學人口比例抽樣選取研究對象。最後共收集到國小附幼大班幼兒118名、私立幼兒園大班幼兒118名、小一兒童288名。合計問卷524份,有效問卷438份。研究結果如下: 一、 大班幼兒及小一兒童對「入小學準備能力」重要性的看法介於「重要(3分)」至「最重要(4分)」之間,顯示大班幼兒及小一兒童認為「入小學準備能力」項目對於入小學都有其重要性。四個分能力重要性排序為:「團體適應能力」最重要,「課業學習能力」第二重要,接著是「自理與自我管理能力」;「認知與語文溝通能力」最不重要。大班幼兒與小一生在37題題項中最重視個人的安全、衛生、如廁技能、尋求支援、基本禮貌、愛護學校公物、師交代的話、注音拼音學習、聽上課鐘聲、專心上課與舉手發言這些能力項目;相對不重視下課自己找事做、穿脫衣物、手部操作動作、交朋友、畫圖與畫符號表達想法、在圖畫中找答案與聲韻辨音等能力。 二、 附幼幼兒與私幼幼兒對於入小學準備能力,不論是在四分能力或整體量表均沒有達顯著性差異(p>0.05),私幼幼兒的平均數均稍高於附幼幼兒。 三、 大班幼兒與小一生在「自理與自我管理能力」、「認知與語文溝通能力」、「課業學習能力」三個分量表與整體量表的看法達顯著差異,皆是大班幼兒的平均數高於小一生,但兩者在「團體適應能力」的看法並無顯著差異,此差距主要來自於私幼幼兒與小一生的差異(私幼幼兒比小一生認為此三能力更重要),而非附幼幼兒(附幼幼兒與小一生的看法無顯著差異)。 四、 不同性別之大班幼兒與小一兒童在四個分量表與整體量表,皆未達顯著性差異。 大班幼兒與小一生對「入小學準備能力」各題項重要性之看法與家長、幼教師與小一教師雖有些能力項目看法一致,但是卻也有些能力項目是成人重視而大班幼兒與小一生並不重視,或是成人不重視而大班幼兒與小一生認為重要的能力項目,研究結果顯示兒童與成人的看法不同。 最後,本研究結果提供在幼小銜接中有關的重要關係人-家長、幼兒園教師、小一教師以及未來研究人員參考,並提出相關建議做為日後國內相關人員與推動幼小銜接之參考。 關鍵詞:入小學準備能力、幼小銜接、生態系統、大班幼兒、小一兒童zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA study of Preschool and First Grade Children’s Perspectives on the readiness skills for learning in primary school Summary The purpose of this study is to understand the perspectives of preschool children and first grade children about the readiness skills for starting primary school. The study participants were randomly selected among the 12 administrative regions published by the Taipei City Board of Education. A survey was used to collect data from the participants. The self-compiled “Readiness Skills for Primary School Scale” was based on four aspects (subscales): community adaptability, academic learning ability, self-care and self-management ability, cognitive and language communication skills. There were 438 respondents: 106 of them were preschool children from public preschools (called public preschool), 97 preschool children from private preschools (called private preschool) and 235 from primary school first grade children (called first grades). The results of this study were as follows: 1. The average of preschool children and first grade children’ responses on the importance of the “Readiness Skills for Primary School Scale” was 3.465, between “important (Level 3)” and “most important (Level 4)”. This showed that both preschool and first grade children agreed on the importance of the items in “Readiness Skills for Primary School Scale”. “Group adaptability” emerged as the most important factor, followed by “learning ability” as the second, while “self-care and self-management Ability”; “cognitive and language communication skills” were found to be the least important factors when preparing for primary school. 2. In the results of “Primary School Preparedness Scale”, the children agreed that the most important skills and capabilities are personal safety, hygiene, toilet using skills, seeking support, basic courtesy, take care of shared items in school, orders from teachers , learning pronunciation of the phonetic alphabet, listen to class bells, concentrate on classes and raise their hands to speak. Relatively insignificant skills and capabilities were considered to be finding things to do during class breaks, wearing and taking off clothes, fine motor skills, making friends, drawing in general and drawing symbols to express ideas in particular, identifying rhymes, among others. 3. There is no significant difference on subscales and whole scale between public preschool and private preschool children, but the average of private preschool children are slightly higher than the public. 4. There were significant differences between preschool and first grade children on the three subscales and the whole scale of “self-care and self-management ability”, “cognitive and language communication ability” and “classroom learning ability”. The average of preschool children was higher than the first grade; moreover, the main difference was from private-preschool and first grade children. There was no significant difference in the opinions of “group adaptability” between preschool and first grade children. 5. There was no significant difference between genders in preschool and first grade children in the scales. The study also found that preschool and first grade children have similar perspectives on the importance of “safety”, “complying with routine and community norms”, “politeness”, “seeking for support” and “listening to class bells” with children’ parents, preschool teachers and primary school teachers. However, preschool and first grade children didn’t value “fine motor skills” and “changing clothes” to the same degree as the adults do. Similarly, readiness skills such as “taking care of classroom and shared items”, or “class honor”, which were valued by adults, were considered less important by the preschool and first grade children. This showed that when preparing for learning in primary school, children have differing view on the importance of many skills from the adults’ view. Furthermore, the study presents that it is important to discuss and understand the different perspectives which important stakeholders like adults, preschool teachers, and primary school teachers take on the transition between preschool and primary school. Finally, this research offers valuable suggestions for the policies and implements on the transition in the future Keywords: readiness skill, transition between preschool and primary school, ecological system, preschool children, first grade children.en_US
dc.subjectreadiness skillen_US
dc.subjecttransition between preschool and primary schoolen_US
dc.subjectecological systemen_US
dc.subjectpreschool childrenen_US
dc.subjectfirst grade childrenen_US
dc.titleA study of Preschool and First Grade Children’s Perspectives on the readiness skills for learning in primary schoolen_US


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