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本研究旨在分析高中音樂教科書歌曲教材所包含的生命教育相關內容,探討高中三民、育達、泰宇、新文京、華興與謳馨等六個版本音樂教科書之歌曲教材中有關生命教育之「終極關懷與實踐」、「倫理思考與抉擇」及「人格統整與靈性發展」等三大範疇的內容特質與各版本間的異同情形。 本研究採用「內容分析法」,採先質後量、質量兼顧的方式,進行高中六個版本音樂教科書歌曲教材之標題、歌詞意涵以及課本內文敘述中有關生命教育議題分析。研究者參考高中生命教育課程綱要,自編「高中音樂科教科書歌曲教材之生命教育相關內容分析類目表」作為研究工具。本研究之分析角度為研究者針對歌曲教材的文字部分所進行的詮釋與解讀,屬於個人的價值判斷,因此,研究結果不能推論至教科書在編輯時的編輯理念和立場。 本研究之主要發現如下: 一、現今六個版本高中音樂教科書歌曲教材內容中,以「終極關懷與實踐」範疇內容比例最多約達七成,「倫理思考與抉擇」範疇內容比例次多約有三成,「人格統整與靈性發展」範疇最少不到二個百分比。歌曲教材中所分析出之意涵最能直接與「終極關懷與實踐」、「倫理思考與抉擇」兩個範疇內涵,直接對應並歸類,唯在「人格統整與靈性發展」範疇部分,需要進一步將歌曲意涵進行詮釋與解讀,才能間接對應與歸類。 二、六個版本高中音樂教科書歌曲教材在「終極關懷與實踐」範疇的子議題中,皆以「哲學與人生」議題內容最多,「生死關懷」議題最少。在「倫理思考與抉擇」範疇中,皆以「性愛與婚姻倫理」及「道德思考與抉擇」議題的內容最多,「生命與科技倫理」議題最少,其中有兩個版本無此議題的內容。在「人格統整與靈性發展」範疇中,僅有三個版本有出現該同名議題。 最後並根據研究結果,對高中音樂教師、教科書編輯群、教育行政單位及未來研究提出建議,以做為參考之用。 關鍵詞:高中音樂、歌曲教材、生命教育、教科書內容分析
The purpose of this study was to analyze the contents of life education in the song materials in the following six publishers of high school music textbooks: Sanming, Yuda , Thai-Yu, New Wen Jing, HuaHin and Ou Xin. The contents of life education were examined through “ultimate concern and practice of life education”, “ethical thinking and choice-making”, and “character integration and spiritual development” three perspectives. The research method of “content analysis” was used to analyze the song titles, the lyrics and the narrative account in the textbooks. Both qualitative and quantitative data were presented by using the self-desinged instrument. The results included the researcher’s own value evaluation and interpretation. Thus the reseach findings should not be further extended to the textbook editors’ editing beliefs and their positions. The major findings of the study were as follows: 1. The seventy percent of the contents of life education in the song materials were the “ultimate concern and practice of life education”, thirty percent were the “ethical thinking and choice-making.” The “character integration and spiritual development” was less than two percent. The song titles and the corresponding narrative accounts could neatly fit into the “ultimate concern and practice of life education” and “ethical thinking and choice-making” categories. However, the song contents needed to further interpretation for the category “character integration and spiritual development”. 2. The subcategory of “philosophy and life” in the “ultimate concern and practice of life education” category received most discussion while the issue of “life and death care” was least discussed. In the “ethical thinking and choice-making” category, the issues of “sex and marital ethics” and “moral thinking and choice” covered the most contents while the issue of “life and technology ethics" issue the least contents; two publishers did not address the issue at all. In the category of “character integration and spiritual development,” the namesake issue only appeared in three publishers. Finally, based on the research finding above, the researcher proposed relevant suggestions to the high school music teachers, textbook editors, educational authorities, and future research studies. Keywords: music in senior high school, song materials, life education, textbook content analysis



高中音樂, 歌曲教材, 生命教育, 教科書內容分析, Music in Senior High School, Song Materials, Life Education, Textbook content analysis





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