國小高年級學童餐後潔牙行為及其相關因素研究 ~以台北市某國小學生為例
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國小高年級學童餐後潔牙行為及其相關因素研究 ~以台匇市某國小學生為例 王文君 碩士論文 摘要 本研究主要運用健康信念模式探討國小學生餐後潔牙行為及其相關因素關係。研究母群體為九十八學年度第二學期就讀於台匇市某國小之高年級學生,進行自填式問卷施測,問卷回收251份。研究之重要結果如下: 一、在餐後潔牙之自覺齲齒罹患性認知、自覺餐後潔牙行為障礙性認知為中下程度,而自覺齲齒嚴重性認知、自覺餐後潔牙行為利益性認知和自覺餐後潔牙行為行動線索為中上程度。 二、研究對象之餐後潔牙自我效能為中等程度,且多數研究對象在家中之餐後潔牙自我效能,高於學校和學校之外的公共場所。 三、研究對象餐後潔牙行為中等程度傾向,潔牙行為以睡前最多,其次為早上起床。 四、自覺齲齒罹患性認知、自覺餐後潔牙利益性、自覺餐後潔牙障礙性、餐後潔牙行動線索和餐後潔牙自我效能對餐後潔牙行為變異的解釋力為42.7%,以餐後潔牙自我效能之影響力最大。
The purpose of this study were to apply the Health Belief Model to explore the teeth-cleaning behavior after meal for senior students in one elementary school in Taipei city, and to investigate the relationship between the behavior and related factors. The samples were selected from senior students of the elementary school by stratified cluster sampling method, and the data were collected through structured questionnaires. The valid respondents were 251(89.6%). The main findings were as follows: 1. The scores of participants’ perceived susceptibility of dental caries and perceived barriers of a teeth-cleaning behavior after meal were below the average scores. The scores of participants’ perceived severity of dental caries, perceived benefits of teeth-cleaning behavior after meal, and the cues to action of teeth-cleaning behavior after meal were above the average scores. 2. The score of participants’ self-efficacy on teeth-cleaning behavior after meal was above the average score. The self-efficacy of teeth-cleaning behavior after meal at home was higher than those at school and at the place out of campus. 3. The score of participants’ teeth-cleaning behavior after meal showed the average level. Most of the teeth-cleaning behavior before bedtime was showed, and that happened in the morning was next. 4. The variables of perceived susceptibility of dental caries, perceived benefits of teeth-cleaning behavior after meal, perceived barriers of teeth-cleaning behavior after meal, cues to action of a teeth-cleaning behavior after meal, and self-efficacy on teeth-cleaning behavior after meal could explain 42.7% of the variances of teeth-cleaning behavior. Among the variables, the most influential one was self-efficacy on teeth-cleaning behavior after meal. Key word: health belief model, senior students of the elementary school, teeth-cleaning behavior after meal
The purpose of this study were to apply the Health Belief Model to explore the teeth-cleaning behavior after meal for senior students in one elementary school in Taipei city, and to investigate the relationship between the behavior and related factors. The samples were selected from senior students of the elementary school by stratified cluster sampling method, and the data were collected through structured questionnaires. The valid respondents were 251(89.6%). The main findings were as follows: 1. The scores of participants’ perceived susceptibility of dental caries and perceived barriers of a teeth-cleaning behavior after meal were below the average scores. The scores of participants’ perceived severity of dental caries, perceived benefits of teeth-cleaning behavior after meal, and the cues to action of teeth-cleaning behavior after meal were above the average scores. 2. The score of participants’ self-efficacy on teeth-cleaning behavior after meal was above the average score. The self-efficacy of teeth-cleaning behavior after meal at home was higher than those at school and at the place out of campus. 3. The score of participants’ teeth-cleaning behavior after meal showed the average level. Most of the teeth-cleaning behavior before bedtime was showed, and that happened in the morning was next. 4. The variables of perceived susceptibility of dental caries, perceived benefits of teeth-cleaning behavior after meal, perceived barriers of teeth-cleaning behavior after meal, cues to action of a teeth-cleaning behavior after meal, and self-efficacy on teeth-cleaning behavior after meal could explain 42.7% of the variances of teeth-cleaning behavior. Among the variables, the most influential one was self-efficacy on teeth-cleaning behavior after meal. Key word: health belief model, senior students of the elementary school, teeth-cleaning behavior after meal
健康信念模式, 餐後潔牙, 高年級學童, health belief model, senior students of the elementary school, teeth-cleaning behavior after meal