
dc.contributorYANG, Shao-chiuen_US
dc.contributor.authorHUNG, Chou-weien_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討大專校院室內設計系學生工作價值觀,為達研究目的,首先透過文獻的的整理與分析,建立研究的整體架構,繼而選擇問卷調查法,以「工作價值觀量表」為研究工具。調查實施以台北市大專校院室內設計系(組)學校為研究對象,施測獲得有效樣本共246份。以SPSS 12.0為操作軟體統計分析包括:次數分配、描述性統計、變異數分析、獨立樣本t 檢定等。經分析結果顯獲致下列結論: 一、整體而言,室內設計系學生的工作價值觀的層面包括:內在價值層面 「實現理想」、「利他」、「成就感」、外在價值層面「經濟性」、「專業特 性」。整體工作價值觀學生傾向外在價值的「專業特性」,則較偏重於 專業取向,顯示學生有顯著較高的工作價值觀。其次為「實現理想」、 及「利他」、傾向較低的是「成就感」、「經濟性」。 二、不同屬性的學生工作價值觀的差異傾向:男性學生與女性學生的工作 價值觀未具有顯著性差異。工作價值觀五個層面「實現理想」、「利他」、 「成就感」、「經濟性」、「專業特性」在各年級間具有顯著差異。 三、男性學生在就讀動機「本科或相關科系」因素對工作價值觀「經濟性」 層面上傾向顯著較女性為高。女性學生在就讀動機「個人興趣」因素 對工作價值觀「成就感」層面上傾向顯著較男性為高。不同年級中, 大一學生在就讀動機「個人興趣」、「考試成績分發」因素分別與工作 價值觀「利他」、「經濟性」層面上傾向顯著較大三學生為高,大一與 大三學生具顯著差異。大二學生在就讀動機的「考試成績分發」與工 作價值觀「成就感」層面上傾向顯著較大三學生為高。 四、室內設計系學生的就讀動機因素以「個人興趣」的傾向為最高,其次 為「本科或相關科畢業」第三為「考試成績分發」。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to explore the universities and colleges for Interior Design students’ work ethics and values. In order to reach that purposes, first of all, through the collation and analysis of documents to establish the overall framework of the study and then choose the "Work Values Inventory" as the survey method. Investigate the implementation of the universities and colleges in Taipei City Department of Interior Design schools as the research object and measured to obtain an effective sample of 246 copies. With SPSS 12.0 statistical analysis software for the operation include: Frequencies, Descriptive statistic, tabulation, ANOVA and Independent-Samples t-test. The analysis showed the following conclusions: A. In general, the levels of Interior Design students’ work ethics and values include: For intrinsic dimension, "achieve the ideal ", "altruism" and "sense of accomplishment", for the extrinsic value dimension "economic", "professionalism.” Students tend to extrinsic values overall value of the"Professional character", were more emphasis on the Professional orientation, showing the work of students has significantly higher values. Followed by "achieve the ideal" and "altruism", lower tend to the "sense of“accomplishment" and "economy.” B.The importance of different attributes of students work values orientation: studies showed that male students the work ethic of the importance attached significantly higher than female students. Among four grades with the highest scores and most attention is "professionalism.” Overall, freshmen have the level of the external value of the "professionalism" in the highest scores, shows work values as positive attitudeis most important to them. C.Male students’ studying motives " Have graduated from undergraduate or relate courses " and on the work ethic that "economy " are significantly higher than female students. As for female students, their studying motivation "personal interest" and work values "a sense of achievement" levels tend to significantly higher than men. The five dimensions of work values "ideal vision", "altruism", "sense of accomplishment," "economy" and "professionalism" among the various grades with a significant difference. Sophomore students studying motivation, "distribution of test scores" and the work for values, "sense of accomplishment," tends to significantly higher levels of three students in high. D. Factor “personal interest” has the most tendency to show Interior Design students’motivation for studying Interior Design. Other most two factors are as following:“Have graduated from undergraduate or relate courses” third for "distribution of test scores."en_US
dc.subjectInterior Designen_US
dc.subjectStudy Motivationen_US
dc.subjectWork Valuesen_US
dc.titleAnalysis of Students' Work Values of Interior Design Departments Colleges and Universitiesen_US

