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以「碳足跡」為主題的教學模組的試驗教學以及教學成果的評量是本計 畫第二年度工作的重點。使學生經由碳足跡的計算,了解到自身碳足跡的 大小,因而產生行動意識,並採取適當的行動來達到減少自身的碳足跡的 效果。本計畫將以研討會的方式,提供自然與生活科技學習領域的在職教 師「節能減碳議題」、「生活中的碳足跡」與「環境永續教育」的概念,並 以行動研究方式,協助教師在教學模組中融入永續發展教育的理念及內 涵。同時邀請關心環境保護且有意願的學生家長參與,提供意見,並充分 利用社區資源。與參與本計畫的國中校長、教師充分合作,以本計畫發展 出的融入式教材、教具進行教學模組的試驗教學和效果評量,以及修改教 學模組和評量工具。並將實驗教學的部分過程、教學模組和相關資料,製 成光碟,做為推廣之用。同時辦理大型教學觀摩和研討會,分享研究經驗 與成果。
The work in the second research year of the two-year subproject focuses on teaching and evaluating of carbon footprint teaching modules in the classroom. Students can sense their daily personal carbon emission through this 8 hours teaching module. A conference will be hold to discuss the concepts of carbon footprints, education for sustainability, and energy saving and carbon reducing. Use action study to help junior high school teacher to emerge the concept of carbon footprint into their classroom teaching. In the mean time, cooperate with parents concerning environmental protection to join this project. Work with teachers and the president of the junior high school to evaluate the effect of the teaching modules. Record the teaching and learning processes to make CD for future promotion and share the teaching experiences in the conferences.
The work in the second research year of the two-year subproject focuses on teaching and evaluating of carbon footprint teaching modules in the classroom. Students can sense their daily personal carbon emission through this 8 hours teaching module. A conference will be hold to discuss the concepts of carbon footprints, education for sustainability, and energy saving and carbon reducing. Use action study to help junior high school teacher to emerge the concept of carbon footprint into their classroom teaching. In the mean time, cooperate with parents concerning environmental protection to join this project. Work with teachers and the president of the junior high school to evaluate the effect of the teaching modules. Record the teaching and learning processes to make CD for future promotion and share the teaching experiences in the conferences.