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臺灣近年來傳統戲劇藝術的發展蓬勃,又獲得政府在經費上的支持使之,從臺灣光復後的傳統戲劇劇種如雨後春筍之徵出現,也使之各方面的學術相關研究有不同的新發現,但就目前臺灣對於傳統戲劇的研究之中發現大部份以研究傳統戲劇的歷史發展變遷、演藝人員之探究、演藝人員之唱腔、走位方式等深入著墨,但較缺乏以舞台色彩探究為主題之研究。 本研究從臺灣傳統戲劇歷史觀點切入,探討民間傳統野臺戲舞台的形式及色彩,經由歷史的傳承在不同時代的人文色彩脈絡下延伸出許多不同的色彩面貌。研究方法由文獻整理的方式先釐清臺灣傳統野臺歌仔戲及野臺布袋戲舞台演變及歷史脈絡。並透過田野調查的方式實地訪查臺灣現今從事野臺戲佈景彩繪師及走訪臺灣民間傳統野臺布袋戲及歌仔戲舞台色彩調查、採樣收集。 本研究透過田野調查收集野臺歌仔戲7棚、野臺布袋戲8棚之案例進行舞台色彩分析,並進行色彩之歸納。其中可以歸納出現今的傳統野臺戲舞台色彩類型及色彩配置方式,主要之色彩表現特色於螢光色的塊面構成、螢光色的線條勾勒、螢光色及非螢光色之色彩漸層,使之野臺戲舞台具有強力的張力效果。最後再利用田野調查收集之案例分析研究成果出30種非螢光色、7種螢光色色彩作為後續臺灣意象海報創作。臺灣意象海報創作之中表現於臺灣生態、臺灣文化、臺灣建築、臺灣自然等4篇。創作之印證了傳統野臺戲色彩表現的色彩魅力,讓傳統的色彩變化更增添臺灣獨特的色彩意象。
In recent years, the government has started to support with funds, so that Taiwan traditional drama has been prosperous and sprang up like mushrooms after Taiwan restored. Presently, the research of Taiwan traditional drama in Taiwan still focus on histories, actors, singing or blocking, but lacking for the research of stage-colors. The research studies in aspect of Taiwan traditional history, discusses the forms and colors of traditional folk outdoor performances extend different colors' features in different generations. The method of study is not only to clarify the development and history-oriented between Taiwanese folk drama and glove puppetrys' outdoor performances, but also visit the scenic designers who are engaged in this job, and do some colors investigate sampling through field research. The research collects 15 samples to analyze and generalize their colors, 7 Taiwanese folk dramas and 8 glove puppetrys' outdoor performance stage. Its types and designs of hues in stage are composed by piece-fluorescent, string-fluorescent, fluorescent and unfluorescent layer gradually, making it be tension. At the end of the research, Taiwan image posters are designed by means of 30 unfluorescences and 7 fluorescences which are collected in field research. Taiwan image poster creation shows in Taiwan-environment, Taiwan-culture, Taiwan-building, and Taiwan-natural. The conclusion shows its hues and numbers, and uses them to design the follow-up Taiwan image poster. The posters prove the charm of colors in Taiwan traditional outdoor performance, make Taiwan color image be unique with the traditional color variation.



臺灣意象, 野臺歌仔戲, 野臺布袋戲, 螢光色色彩, Taiwan image, Taiwanese folk opera outdoor performance, glove puppetry outdoor performance, color image, fluorescences





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