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本研究目的在探討五專一、二年級學生背景因素、社會心理因素、同儕社會網絡與身體活動的關係,以及各變項對身體活動的預測力。以五專一至二年級學生為研究對象,採立意取樣方式,並利用結構式問卷收集資料,共得有效樣本232份,回收率為92.8%。重要結果歸納如下: 一、男生身體活動時間高於女生,男生的身體活動以籃球為最多,其次為走路;女生的身體活動以走路為最多,其次為爬樓梯。 二、樣本所處網絡位置不同,在身體活動上有顯著差異存在,進一步以薛費氏事後檢定分析得知男生人數比率高於50%的團體成員,其身體活動顯著高於全部為女生的團體成員。 三、樣本之運動友誼網絡、自覺運動利益、自覺運動障礙、運動自我效能與身體活動有顯著相關;當運動友誼網絡運作越活躍、自覺運動利益與運動自我效能越高、自覺運動障礙越低時,身體活動時間越長。 四、將整體樣本之背景因素、同儕社會網絡、社會心理因素放入複迴歸模式中,發現此模式對身體活動的預測力達到統計上的顯著水準,對身體活動之可解釋變異量為16.9%,其中能真正預測身體活動的變項為運動友誼網絡。 五、顯著預測男、女生身體活動的變項有所不同,對男生而言,顯著預測身體活動的變項為運動自我效能;對女生而言,顯著預測身體活動的變項為運動友誼網絡。 根據研究結果,本研究最後提出對衛生教育的應用及未來研究的建議,以做為青少年身體活動教育介入及未來研究之參考。
The main purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between background factors, peer social networks, psychosocial factors, and physical activity, and to explore the factors that influenced physical activity of the adolescents. The subjects were the first- and second-year junior colleges students in Taiwan. By using the purposive sampling method, 232 respondents (92.8% response rate) were selected to participate in the survey. The data were collected with a close-format questionnaire. The main findings as follows: (1)Physical activity of the boys is higher than the girls. The main types of physical activity done were basketball and jogging by the boys, and jogging and ladder-climbing by the girls. (2)The position that adolescents were on the social networks could influence their physical activity. (3)Physical activity-related peer social networks, the perceived benefits of physical activity, the perceived barriers of physical activity, and the physical activity-related self-efficacy were correlated significantly with physical activity of the adolescents. (4)The amount of variance explained by three independent variables mentioned above is 16.9%. The variable that had significant explanatory powers on physical activity was physical activity-related peer social networks. (5)The variables that had significant explanatory powers on physical activity were different between the boys and the girls. For the boys, the best variable was physical activity-related self-efficacy; for the girls, the best variable was physical activity-related peer social networks. At the end of this study, suggestions for health education and future research were made, and would be a reference for future studies and intervention of physical activity of adolescents.



青少年, 社會網絡, 社會心理因素, 身體活動, adolescent, social networks, psychosocial factor, physical activity





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