
dc.contributorChih-Cheng Linen_US
dc.contributor.authorChun Cheng Linen_US
dc.description.abstract電腦輔助語言自學教室的特色包括了學習資源和立即回饋的提供、個人化的學習以及學習紀錄的保存。過去咸認為電腦輔助語言自學教室能幫助學習者掌握自己的學習,但這樣的想法雖然理論上可行,但尚沒有太多文獻研究能夠提出確切的證據。 本研究探討學習者持續至自學教室學習的動機,以及比較至自學教室頻率較高的學習者和至自學教室頻率偏低的學習者對自選式語言學習的觀感是否有所差異。研究對象包括了非英語系的大一學生,從2006年第一學期至2007年第二學期共有912位學生,從2007年第一學期至2008第二學期共有1,086位學生。學生每次使用完學習軟體至少達四十分鐘後,登出系統前,必須填寫一份十題的網路問卷。此外,每學期結束時,學生必須填寫一份二十三題的問卷,以瞭解學生對自學教室如何能增進自己英語能力、補充大一英文課程內容以及提升自己學習興趣的看法。依據來訪自學教室頻率多寡,第一年共有四十五位學生,第二年則有五十六位學生參與期末半結構式訪談。 結果發現,能夠選擇自己喜愛的教材以及安排學習的時間,是學習者認為在自學教室中學習的優點。此外,學習者認為接觸影音素材有助於聽力和閱讀。其它語言學習部份的進步則包括了字彙、口說以及文化瞭解。自主學習部份,從學習者自陳式的回饋中發現,學習者表現出對自我以及策略的自覺,並在學習過程中規劃並評估自身的學習成果。另外,比較至自學教室頻率較高和頻率較低的學習者對自選式語言學習的觀感發現,對至自學教室頻率較高的學習者而言,在自學教室學習英語是愉快的經驗,他們也對助理的工作稱職和盡心回答問題表達較高的肯定。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIt is often assumed that a CALL Self-Access Classroom (SAC), a technology-enhanced environment that features resources, individualization, record-keeping and feedback, can help learners take charge of their learning. Nonetheless, while this assumption is theoretically plausible, few empirical results have offered robust evidence. The purpose of this study is to explore the factors that motivate learners to continue visiting the SAC, and any different perspectives toward self-access language learning that more frequent visitors may have from their infrequent counterparts. Participants in this study included non-English-major college students enrolled in the course of Freshman English in two years, 912 students from the fall semester of 2006 to the spring semester of 2007 and 1,086 ones from the fall semester of 2007 to the spring semester of 2008. These students were encouraged to visit the SAC after class. Each of their visits was recorded, and they had to fill in a 10-item online survey after they used one specific learning program for at least forty minutes. Moreover, at the end of each semester, the students filled out a 23-item survey questionnaire, which mainly probed into their perceptions of how the SAC may facilitate their English learning, complement their Freshman English course and boost their interest in English. For further examination, 45 students in the first year and 56 students in the second year were recruited for a semi-structured interview. Findings revealed that the freedom of choosing their preferable materials and the control of their own learning schedule in a cozy environment are two advantages of learning in the SAC. As for the benefits of learning, learners found exposure to audio/visual inputs beneficial to their listening and reading. Gains in their vocabulary, speaking and cultural understanding were also reported. Other aspects of learning, including personal and strategic awareness, planning, and evaluation of what has been acquired were identified in learners’ written responses. As for different perspectives that may exist between more frequent visitors and their less frequent counterparts, statistical analyses suggested that more frequent learners more enjoyed learning in the CALL SAC, and that they had more positive evaluations toward the assistant’s competence as well as enthusiasm to answer learners’ questions. Based upon the results, pedagogical implications and suggestions for the institution are outlined.en_US
dc.subjectself-access language learningen_US
dc.subjectlearner autonomyen_US
dc.subjectlearner perceptionsen_US
dc.subjectComputer-Assisted Language Learningen_US
dc.titleA Study on EFL College Students' Autonomous Learning in a CALL Self-Access Centeren_US

