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目的:本研究目的在於發展老人跌倒預防與居家安全評鑑指標,以作為縣市政府長者防跌與居家安全工作政策推動之參考。方法:彙整國內外相關文獻並由本研究團隊擬定初步問卷,之後採德懷術(Delphi Method)調查法,針對26位具實務經驗且受過專業訓練之縣市事故傷害防制業務負責人進行三次調查,以重要性和一致性作為判斷指標適切性之標準。結果:指標包含訂定老人防跌之健康政策、創造有利老人防跌之支持性環境、強化社區於老人防跌之行動力、自發性社區老人防跌活動、重新規劃社區老人預防跌倒相關健康服務等5個層面,共計25項指標,研究對象經三次調查後,25項評鑑指標達一致共識。結論:多數老人跌倒預防與居家安全評鑑指標達實務工作者之共識且受到重視,然而,仍有部份評鑑指標未受到實務工作者之重視,故未來可持續給予相關業務人員老人防跌素養增能。
Objective: The study developed the evaluation indicators of elderly fall prevention program and examined their feasiability. Method: The Delphi technique method were employed in the study. 26 injury prevention professionals recruited from local public health centers in Taiwan participated in the study. The process included consolidating and comparing the opinions of experts over three-round survey. The means and quartile deviations justified the appropriateness of evaluation indicators. Result: 25 evaluation indicators were divided into five categories: the formulation of elderly fall prevention policy, supportive environment, the community motivation reinforcement, self-initiative of fall prevention activity and health services for fall prevention. 24 indicators reached a high degree of consensus except one. Conclusion: Evaluation indicators of elderly fall prevention program were feasible. Researchers and practitioners may employ the indicators to evaluate future fall prevention project and improve the quality of program.
Objective: The study developed the evaluation indicators of elderly fall prevention program and examined their feasiability. Method: The Delphi technique method were employed in the study. 26 injury prevention professionals recruited from local public health centers in Taiwan participated in the study. The process included consolidating and comparing the opinions of experts over three-round survey. The means and quartile deviations justified the appropriateness of evaluation indicators. Result: 25 evaluation indicators were divided into five categories: the formulation of elderly fall prevention policy, supportive environment, the community motivation reinforcement, self-initiative of fall prevention activity and health services for fall prevention. 24 indicators reached a high degree of consensus except one. Conclusion: Evaluation indicators of elderly fall prevention program were feasible. Researchers and practitioners may employ the indicators to evaluate future fall prevention project and improve the quality of program.