

資訊融入各科教學蔚為當前的教育趨勢。但許多研究發現,即使網路學習確實有正向的教學成效,但實際使用網路教學的教師卻寥寥無幾,主要在於教師對於網路學習環境建置過程的不熟悉所造成。 故針對此一現象,本研究以「藝術與人文」領域-「藏書票」教學為例,經由文獻探討,網路學習環境建置教師、藏書票領域專家之訪談,以及研究者親身建構藏書票網路學習環境,最後請藝術與人文教師進行評鑑的研究過程中,歸納出國內藝術教育網站分為三大類型:一、藝術資訊網站;二、教師個人網站;三、教學網站。且國內藝術與人文教師對於:一、網路教學設備;二、資訊使用能力;三、網站維持意願;四、網路教學必要性等提出意見及質疑,可發現一般教師對於網路教學已有一定概念,並有能力提出反思。此外本研究更根據研究目的,訂定出十二個藝術與人文網路學習環境之建置步驟,依序為:一、教學主題選定;二、教學目標訂定;三、教學方法的選用;四、網站單元設定;五、網站架構規劃;六、資料彙整;七、視覺規劃;八、網頁軟體;九、多媒體效果;十、輔助程式;十一、網頁上傳;十二、網站維護等要項。茲以提供日後藝術與人文網路學習環境建置者之參考。
Integration of information technology into instruction has become the trend of the education. Although Web-Based learning has been proved that it really has the effects in education,there are only few teachers put it into practice .The chief reason is that the teachers have no ideas of how to construct the Web-Based learning environment. Respecting this phenomenon, this research takes “Ex-Libris” curriculum in Arts and Humanity field for example. After the processes of literary reviews, experts interviewing, constructing the Web-Based learning environment of Ex-Libris, evaluating by teachers of Arts and Humanity field, this resaerch generalizes three conclusions as follows: First, there are three types of domestic art education websites: 1.art information providing website; 2.teachers’ personal websites; 3.Web-Based learning environment. Second, the Arts and Humanity teachers have suggestions and suspicions of Web-Based learning environment for four aspects: 1.the equipments and supports; 2. ability of technology; 3.will of maintaining; 4.necessity. The second conclusion also points out that teachers have more conceptions of the Web-Based learning environment than ever.Third,this research has brought up twelve steps of constructing the Web-Based learning environment: 1.subject choosing; 2.goals setting; 3.methods; 4.programs setting; 5.frame planning; 6.materials choosing; 7.layout; 8.homepage software; 9.multimedia; 10.assistant programs; 11.uploading;12.maintaining.



藝術與人文, 網路學習, 藏書票, Arts and Humanity, Web-based Learning, Ex-Libris





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