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近幾年,互聯網的蓬勃發展帶動了線上社群網站的普及,網路上也出現了許多不同類型的社群網站,其中,又以Facebook為最受歡迎,且使用人數最多的社群網站,使用者通過Facebook維繫現有人際關係的同時,也可以利用Facebook拓展新的人際關係。因此Facebook用戶不可避免的需要在Facebook上填入一定的個人隱私信息。本研究提出了一個理論模型,探討Facebook上的個人隱私信息揭露與社會資本以及依附風格間的關係。 本研究借助網路問卷調查,取得了389份有效樣本。研究結果顯示,結合型社會資本對於個人隱私信息的結露揭露有顯著的影響,橋接型社會資本對個人隱私信息的結露影響不顯著。對自己看法愈正面,愈能提升結合型社會資本。對自己看法愈正面,愈能提升橋接型社會資本。安全依附和忽略拒絕對個人隱私信息揭露有正向影響,其中,忽略拒絕影響更大。焦慮依附和害怕依附則對社會資本和個人隱私資訊揭露無顯著影響。最後,結合這樣的結果,提出了管理上的意涵和未來研究的方向。
In recent years, the popularity and diversity of social networking websites were promoted as the development of Internet. Among all the social media, Facebook has become the most popular one and owned the largest number of users. It was used to not only maintain the existing social network, but also develop new ones. To achieve this goal, Facebook users inevitably need to provide some online personal privacy information in Facebook account. Thus, a theoretical model was proposed here to ascertain the relationship between Facebook users’ privacy information disclosure and attachment styles as well as social capital. In this study, online questionnaire was adopted to collect the data and a total number of 389 valid questionnaires were eventually obtained. The results indicate that bonding social capital has a significant impact on Facebook users’ privacy information disclosure. The more positive mindset the users own towards themselves , the more significant effect would be obtained in enhancing both bonding and bridging social capital Meanwhile, both Secure attachment and dismissing attachment have positive impact on Facebook users’ privacy information disclosure whereas dismissing attachment owns a more significant impact. Comparatively, preoccupied attachment and Fearful attachment have insignificant impact on privacy information disclosure. Finally, Management Implications and future research directions are discussed.



臉書, 依附風格, 社會資本, 個人隱私資訊揭露, Facebook, attachment style, social capital, privacy information disclosure





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