電視社會新聞節目之敘事研究 以卜羅普為分析架構

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近三來有線電視社會新聞節目大行其道。這類節目都是回顧早年發生過重大社會新聞事件,採訪當事人或是相關人物,並追蹤該事件後續發展。由於這類型節目在週六、日晚間創造極高收視率,顯示必有其特殊之處。 本研究採用立意抽樣,針對2011年寒假,周六晚間,各新聞台所播出的社會新聞節目為抽樣樣本進行內容分析,以敘事理論當中的卜羅普(V.Propp)31種角色功能編碼,分析該單元的內容文,探討這類型節目為何受到觀眾歡迎?其中是否有公式可循? 本研究發現記者撰寫專題內容角色與卜羅普公式相符合,證明大多都是採用說故事的方法,來描述該事件或人物發展,並且對於內容刻意鋪陳。本研究期能藉由這樣的發現,讓其他類型節目在製作時,也能參考用敘事方法,增加觀眾收看。
For the past three years, TV social news magazine reporting programs have become popular and caught the audience’s attractions. Among these programs, the majority is TV social news. The production crew usually choose the well-known incidents as the topics, revisited the place where the incidents happened, interviewed the related witness and/or victims, and had detailed follow-up after the incidents. These TV shows are often broadcasted on weekend evening and earned its popularity. These TV news programs are now very popular in major TV companies, indicating these news programs have their attraction to the audience. In this study, “purposive sampling” was employed to investigate the most popular TV news program on the major TV channels , broadcasted on weekend evening during winter vacation. The most popular topics in these TV new programs would be our study cases. By applying narrative approaches and the structural method from V.Propp on the context of the topics, it is desired to know why these topics can get their popularity from the audience and see if its narrative style is effective on catching the audience’s attention. If yes, then we would like to know how this is carried out. This study also finds out that many reporters introduce the related people in the incidents following the structural method from V.Propp and narrative approaches are often used to describe the incident. In this study, we discovered specific features in these TV news programs and believe that program popularity would be enhanced by narrative description.



敘事理論, 新聞節目, Narrative, Reporting Programs





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