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Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU


「學習如何學」是二十一世紀教育最重要的目標,而能夠有效地運用資料則是能夠終身學習的必備能力。本研究的目的在發展國小學童運用資訊能力的檔案評量系統並透過試作初步檢驗其效度。此評量系統的架構建立於資訊素養教學的歷程模式上。系統發展含結合各學習領域的實作作業設計、作業的評量規準、檔案結構、以及檔案系統的信效度研究。其特色為以大六教學法為理論架構,實作作業融入各學習領域以及考慮教學現場情境。目標在整合課程、教學與評量達到以基本能力為核心的課程架構的要求。透過資訊素養教育文獻的探討、教師訪談以及國語、社會、和自然與生活科技領域的課程內容分析,研究者呈現如何進行檔案內容規劃、檔案作業類型分類、設計檔案實作作業以及評分表。檔案效度的探究上,著重 Messick (1995)所主張建構效度中的幅合/區辨效度、後果效度以及實質面。效度研究結果顯示檔案對學生資訊素養的提升以及教師教學有正面的影響。檔案幅合效度可接受,但區辨效度並不理想。學生在解決作業的資訊問題時,必須用到大六歷程。
Learn how to learn' is the most important educational goal in 21st century. The information literacy and skills are the key competences for lifelong learning. The purposes of the study were to design portfolio system of information literacy and to examine the validity of the portfolio. The framework of the portfolio was based on Big Six skills approach. The following elements of the portfolio were developed: information tasks integrated into subject area units, scoring procedures for each of the tasks, the structure of the portfolio, and the reliability and validity study of the portfolio. The distinguishing features of the portfolio are model-based framework, integrated information tasks, and context-sensitive consideration. Based on information literacy literature review, teacher interview, and curriculum analyses, researcher designed and developed the content of the portfolio, the information tasks, and the rubrics. Three aspects of validity highlighted by Messick (1995) were used as validity criteria for the portfolio: the convergent and discriminant evidence, the consequential, and the substantive aspects. Results showed that the portfolio had good convergent validity, but lacked of good discriminant validity. The portfolio enhances students’ information literacy and has positive influence on teaching. The big six skills were actually used by students in the information assessment tasks.






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