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假新聞(Fake News)是近代熱門名詞,源自於美國總統川普斥責媒體對他的攻擊與敵意。美國網絡媒體公司Vox傳媒旗下的Recode網站執行編輯Kara Swisher指出,假新聞如同謊言,傳播者在混淆或扭曲事實之間,操控閱聽者對真實的訊息產生質疑,以達到信任分化的目的。在網路蓬勃的現代生活中,數位匯流趨勢影響了新聞產製的順序,新聞的攫取的方式在整體新聞產業競爭的現實壓力下逐漸省略事實查核步驟,導致假新聞充斥在我們生活中,影響生活型態、思考角度與態度偏好,一直延伸到普世價值觀和社會準則。 假新聞態樣繁多,其中「虛假內容」或「欺騙性和誤導性內容」的威力更是不能輕忽,其輕則造成經濟上損失,重則衍生出毫無根據的輿論審判,導致形象受損,進而可能訊息殺人。因此,在「廣大迴響」的效應發生前,澄清假新聞的行為與時點即十分關鍵。 從維護企業形象的角度來看,假新聞可能以製造完全錯誤的訊息來誤導閱聽者,也可能以斷章取義或重組後再造聳動標題的方式撩撥閱聽者情緒,或以不當連結的方式讓閱聽者自行推導出錯誤資訊而達到對某企業形象或品牌的質疑。這些模式的共通點都是利用消息欠缺查核機制的方式在市場上傳遞,達到分化企業與消費者間的信任關係。易言之,假新聞存在的目的通常用於打壓同業對手經濟上獲利的可能,進而操縱市場風向。是以,假新聞議題在企業公共關係的處理上,應視為是一種危機狀況,企業並應尋求對策以因應之。 本研究探討新媒體時代下假新聞在社群媒體與傳統媒體中所引起的效應,可能是社群媒體煽動支持者干擾傳統媒體,也可能是傳統媒體本身意圖製造的假新聞以干擾大眾視聽。本研究以「假食安-統一茶裏王戴奧辛事件」、「受操控的時事-2019長榮航空罷工事件」、「假的企業訊息-台積電遭駭客攻擊?AIT施壓勿再接華為訂單?台積電喪失NVIDIA 7奈米GPU代工訂單?」等三個個案分析假新聞是否影響企業品形象﹖以及企業面對假新聞傳播之因應策略和危機處理之相關成效,希望能幫助日後的閱聽者能更有智慧地判斷消息來源的可信度。
Fake News is a popular phrase in modern times, derived from US President Trump's reprimand the media's attack and hostility on him. Kara Swisher, the Recode website executive editor pointed out that fake news is like a lie. The communicator manipulates the audience to question the real message between confusion or distortion of the facts in order to achieve the goal of trust differentiation. Internet flourish in the modern life, digital age significantly challenge the way of news processing in media organizations. News media has widely adopted the messages flowing on the internet as news sources and gradually omitted the fact-checking steps. Causing fake news to flood our lives, it affects our life styles, thinking angles and attitude preferences and extends to universal values and social norms. There are many kinds of fake news, and the power of "false content" or "deceptive and misleading content" cannot be ignored. Range from a minor economic loss, re-will generates unfounded public opinion trials in the other, resulting in damage to its image and reputation. As a result, the action and time point to clarify some facts before strike a chord is very important. From maintaining the corporate image perspective, fake news may mislead readers by creating completely wrong messages, or it may be intended to arouse the emotions of readers by breaking the meaning or reorganizing the headlines, or use the improper link intended to make the audience question the corporate image or brand by improper connection. The common point of these fake news is to use the lack of fact-checking to pass on the market, to disintegrate the trust relationship between enterprises and consumers. In other words, the purpose of fake news is usually to suppress the economic profitability of competitors in the same industry, and then manipulate the market direction. Therefore, the issue of fake news in the handling of corporate public relations should be regarded as a crisis situation, and companies should seek countermeasures to cope with it. This study explores the effects of fake news in social media and traditional media in the new media era. This study explores the effects of fake news in social media and traditional media in the new media era. Due to the characteristic of interactivity, people can easily publish their messages online, resulting in a transformation in relationship between the media and the audience. Social media uses the power of its supporters to interfere with traditional media, or it’s also possible that traditional media intends to create fake news to interfere with the public viewing. This study analyzes whether fake news affects corporate brand and image by using three types of cases: “Fake food safety-President Enterprises Corporation”, “Fake current events-EVA Air”, “Fake corporate information-TSMC”. As well as the response strategies and crisis management effectiveness of enterprises to the dissemination of fake news, this study hopes to help future readers to judge the credibility of the news source more intelligently.



假新聞, 後真相, 企業形象, 危機處理, 數位匯流, Fake News, post-truth, Corporate Image, Crisis management, Digital convergence





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