臺北市大安區某國中學生餐後潔牙行為及其相關因素之研究 --健康信念模式之應用

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本研究之主要目的在應用健康信念模式探討臺北市大安區某國中學生餐後潔牙行為及其相關因素。研究母群體為臺北市大安區某國中學生共1705名,以系統抽樣方式進行抽樣,並以自編結構式問卷為研究工具進行資料的蒐集,共得有效樣本347份。並得結論及建議如下: 一、研究對象自覺齲齒威脅性屬中度程度,其中約一半以上的人自覺會罹患齲 齒,而自覺齲齒嚴重性則屬於「嚴重」。整體而言,研究對象性別為女生 、學業總成績越好、齲齒知識越佳、齲齒經驗越多、行動線索越多者,其 自覺齲齒威脅性就越高。而研究對象自覺餐後潔牙行為可能性得分為「正 數」,表示研究對象認為執行自覺餐後潔牙行為之「利益」大於「障礙」 ,但得分偏低。整體而言,研究對象中行動線索越多者(尤其是外部線索 ),其自覺餐後潔牙行為可能性越高。 二、研究對象餐後潔牙行動線索來源尚佳,因研究對象學校推行牙菌斑檢測活 動,本研究對象之外部線索訊息來源以「曾做過牙菌斑檢測」為最多;內 部線索訊息來源以「曾經因為牙齒相關問題而去看牙醫」為最多。整體而 言,研究對象自覺齲齒威脅性越高、自覺餐後潔牙行為可能性越高者,其 獲取餐後潔牙行動線索越多。 三、研究對象餐後潔牙自我效能較傾向「不確定」,屬中等程度。整體而言, 大多數研究對象進行餐後潔牙自我效能大部份都是在家中,在學校進行餐 後潔牙自我效能反而不高。此外,不管在家中或學校其他情境(如吃點心 、外食、郊遊等),會進行餐後潔牙自我效能都偏低。 四、研究對象餐後潔牙行為較傾向「有時如此」。整體而言,潔牙行為以睡前 為最多,其次為早上起床。此外,不管在家中或學校任何情境,都沒有使 用牙線的習慣。以基本變項、餐後潔牙健康信念、餐後潔牙行動線索及餐 後潔牙自我效能等變項因素一起來預測研究對象餐後潔牙行為時,可解釋 其總變異量的43.1%。研究對象餐後潔牙行為的主要預測變項為「性別」 、「齲齒經驗」、「自覺齲齒威脅性(含自覺齲齒罹患性及自覺齲齒嚴重 性)」、「內部線索」及「餐後潔牙自我效能」能有意義的預測研究對象 採取餐後潔牙行為,且以「性別」及「自覺齲齒嚴重性」最具影響力。 本研究依結論提出未來進行餐後潔牙行為衛生教育介入之建議與改進方針,提高研究對象餐後潔牙行為,以避免齲齒所導致之口腔問題。
The purpose of this research is to apply the Health Belief Model to the students in a junior high school in Da-an District of Taipei City to investigate the related factors of after meal teeth cleaning behavior. In this research, 1705 students are chosen to fill out the self-made questionnaire through a systematic sampling method, and only 347 are valid. The conclusion and suggestions are as follows. I. Of the subjects with middle degree perceived caries threat, over half of them are with perceived caries susceptibility, and their perceived caries severity belongs to “severe” degree. In short, among the subjects, females with well academic performance, better knowledge of dental caries, more caries experience, and more cues to action, have higher perceived caries threat. Besides, those subjects who score “positive” on the likelihood of act on after meal teeth cleaning behavior consider that they get more benefits than barriers from after meal teeth cleaning behavior, but the score is low. To sum up, the more cues to action (especially the external cues) found, the higher possibilities of perceived after meal teeth cleaning behavior were. II.The subjects know much on the cues to action on after meal teeth cleaning behavior because their school implements the activity of plaque check-ups. To them, the external cues come mainly from “having plaque check-ups experience”; as the internal cues, the data come mainly from “seeing the dentist for tooth problems.” All in all, subjects with higher perceived caries threat and higher possibilities of perceived after meal teeth cleaning behavior, gain more cues to action of after meal teeth cleaning behavior. III.The tendency toward the self- efficacy on after meal teeth cleaning behavior turns uncertain, with middle degree. In short, most of the subjects brush their teeth after meals at home, but seldom in the school. In addition, subjects seldom clean teeth after meals whether at home or participating other activities in the school (such as eating snacks, having meals, and picnicking). IV.After meal teeth cleaning behavior of the subjects tends to “sometimes”. Besides, most of the subjects clean teeth before bedtime; the second are in the morning. In addition, none of them use dental floss at home or in the school. With the variables, including the subject basic variable, after meal teeth cleaning health belief, cues to action on after meal teeth cleaning behavior, and the self- efficacy on after meal teeth cleaning behaviors, the score index of after meal teeth cleaning behavior is 43.1%. The main predictive variables of after meal teeth cleaning behavior of the subjects are “gender”, “caries experience” and “perceived caries threat” (includes “perceived caries susceptibility ” and “perceived caries severity ”) ”, “internal cues ”, “the self- efficacy on after meal teeth cleaning behaviors” . Among them, the most influential ones are “gender” and “perceived caries severity .”



餐後潔牙行為, 健康信念模式, after meal teeth cleaning behavior, health belief model





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