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1. 研究分析宜蘭某國中國二學生的科學成就測驗成績與我國和國際其他國家在TIMSS-R國際數學與科學成就調查的成績,並作相關比較。
2. 研究分析宜蘭某國中國二學生在科學六大領域中的作答表現,以瞭解學生在自然科學概念發展中的實際情形。
3. 分析探討宜蘭某國中國二學生家庭背景、學習環境與其科學成就表現有何影響。
4. 分析探討宜蘭某國中國二學生本身的學習動機、自我期許與其科學成就表現的相關性。
The main purpose of this research lies in testing both the scientific achievement performance and the background factors investigation among the junior high school students who study at the second grade in I-lan. The research had made use of the scientific tests and questionnaire from TIMSS-R. After the above process, by using both the descriptive statistics and the multiple regression analysis, the author tried to find out the factors, including gender, students’ self expectation and students’ family’s studying surrounding, influencing the scientific achievement of the junior high school students at the second grade. What’s more, the author also looked into the result influenced by such factors. To achieve the above research purpose, this research adapted the way of getting samples from the nearby school. That is, the samples came from the junior high school students at the second grade in I- lan. After such process, the author compared the difference among the above out coming, the grades nationwide, and the grades worldwide. This comparison could help understand the fact of science studying. Besides, the research was able to find out the real trouble happened during the scientific general ideas development among the junior high school students at the second grade. The main out comings of such research could be concluded into four topics as follows: First, analyze the difference of the scientific achievement performance at the second grades at certain junior high school students in I-lan, the nationwide and the worldwide. Second, analyze the grades in the six science content areas to understand the fact during the students developing the natural scientific general self-concept. Third, analyze how both the students’ family background and studying surrounding influenced students’ scientific achievement performances. Fourth, analyze the relationship between the students’ self-expectation and learning motivation influenced their scientific achievement. In addition to the four topics mentioned above, the author also did the relative research between their own teacher’s teaching methods and the students’ grades in scientific achievement tests for the purpose of providing the students with the most effective methods and their own tactics.
The main purpose of this research lies in testing both the scientific achievement performance and the background factors investigation among the junior high school students who study at the second grade in I-lan. The research had made use of the scientific tests and questionnaire from TIMSS-R. After the above process, by using both the descriptive statistics and the multiple regression analysis, the author tried to find out the factors, including gender, students’ self expectation and students’ family’s studying surrounding, influencing the scientific achievement of the junior high school students at the second grade. What’s more, the author also looked into the result influenced by such factors. To achieve the above research purpose, this research adapted the way of getting samples from the nearby school. That is, the samples came from the junior high school students at the second grade in I- lan. After such process, the author compared the difference among the above out coming, the grades nationwide, and the grades worldwide. This comparison could help understand the fact of science studying. Besides, the research was able to find out the real trouble happened during the scientific general ideas development among the junior high school students at the second grade. The main out comings of such research could be concluded into four topics as follows: First, analyze the difference of the scientific achievement performance at the second grades at certain junior high school students in I-lan, the nationwide and the worldwide. Second, analyze the grades in the six science content areas to understand the fact during the students developing the natural scientific general self-concept. Third, analyze how both the students’ family background and studying surrounding influenced students’ scientific achievement performances. Fourth, analyze the relationship between the students’ self-expectation and learning motivation influenced their scientific achievement. In addition to the four topics mentioned above, the author also did the relative research between their own teacher’s teaching methods and the students’ grades in scientific achievement tests for the purpose of providing the students with the most effective methods and their own tactics.
科學成效, 科學能力測驗, TIMSS-R