法語旅遊指南中的旅遊資訊分析: 以1855年-1870年的巴黎為例

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  十九世紀中葉,巴黎的改造計畫促使城市脫胎換骨,朝向現代化發展。1855年與1864年兩度舉辦世界博覽會,再加諸本身蘊含宗教名勝與歷史襲產,她藉由眾多吸引遊人前來的元素積累起西歐旅遊重鎮盛名,並帶動一波旅遊指南的出版風潮。   本研究透過多方文獻資料收集,以法國國家圖書館等電子資料庫內記載1855年至1870年巴黎旅遊活動的旅遊指南為分析文本,試圖檢視十九世紀旅遊指南於當代環境脈絡之下具備的特質,經由指南提供的實用資訊例如住宿、預算、飲食及交通梳理出它們如何引領當代旅人進行巴黎旅遊,並闡明城市旅遊空間的呈現。   1855年至1870年的法語巴黎旅遊指南提供科學與系統化的城市資訊,其規格朝向小巧便攜的型態發展。從內文的觀察中發現指南因應閱讀客群發展出「博識」與「實用」的兩種類型;這些指南大多為旅客設計一天至三十天不等的行程路線規劃,反映前來巴黎的遊客類型和旅遊目的日新月異,朝向多樣化與大眾化趨勢發展。本研究發現巴黎旅遊指南視右岸香榭大道與林蔭大道一帶為遊覽重心;此外指南亦指點旅客其餘觀看巴黎的方式:高處全景、工作地點和與死亡有關的景點,這些地點使讀者得以一窺巴黎面紗之下的面貌。   最後,巴黎在旅遊指南論述中被描述為一處明亮且衛生的絢麗空間,指南一再藉由頌讚帝國富強及炫目景觀的辭彙,引導遊客體驗表層的巴黎印象,並印證自身心目中的「巴黎神話」。
  Since the mid-Nineteenth Century, Paris has experienced an immense transformation. The capital city of France has become one of the major tourist hubs in Western Europe since holding events such as 1855 and 1864 World’s Fairs. Moreover, Paris has historically become the home to notable religious monuments and cultural landmarks that attract visitors from all over the world. This prosperity of tourism has triggered a great amount of publications for Paris travel guidebooks in the mid- Nineteenth Century. By analyzing tourist guidebooks from the digital library of National Library of France and other databases, this paper provides an overview of the characteristics of French tourist guidebooks on Paris between 1855 and 1870. Also, analysis of practical information (accommodations, budget, meals, and transportation) were included to illustrate how the guidebooks lead their readers while touring around Paris. Furthermore, information of tourist sites included in the guidebook was examined in order to find out tourist spatial representation in Paris.   French tourist guidebooks on Paris from 1855 to 1870 were published in compact and portable size, providing scientific and systematical information on the city. Catering for those readers with different interests, “intellectual” and “practical” were two styles of guidebooks that were developed. With regard to their content, it was found that most of these guidebooks provide “tourist itineraries” from one day to thirty days for their time in Paris. This phenomenon explains that tourist activities gradually popularized and diversified during this period.   As for the tourist space, the boundaries and special tourist spots were discussed. We were able to find out that the Champs-Élyseés area and the Old Boulevards on the Right Bank were always the main focus of sightseeing interest in these fifteen years. Furthermore, guidebooks provide different ways to gaze upon Paris: panoramic from the top, working place and death-related sites. These spots take readers to get a glimpse of some basic structures beneath the veil of Paris. In conclusion, this research shows that Paris was built as a bright, hygienic, and splendid place in the discourse of tourist guidebooks. They have constantly adopted a rhetoric that glorifies imperial power and spectacular landscapes. Visitors were guided to experience only the surface of Paris, a “Paris myth” that is within their expectation.



1855-1870年, 旅遊指南, 旅遊資訊, 觀光, 巴黎, 1855-1870, Tourist guidebooks, Travel information, Tourism, Paris





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