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本研究旨在探討馬來西亞獨中特輔教育對學生學校經驗的影響。研究參與者為四位從高中畢業的「特輔班」學生。本研究採用Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach 與 Zilber 的敘說分析為研究方法,並以「整體-內容」與「類別-內容」為分析方法,透過個別分析、跨案例分析與綜合討論的方式,來詮釋研究參與者所知覺的學校經驗內涵及其影響。 研究透過四位研究參與者的故事敘說與分析歸納出特輔學生知覺的學校經驗與其影響為:(一)特輔老師是貫徹與落實特輔教育理念的最關鍵角色;(二)教師正向期望與學生自我效能對特輔學生之學業學習有正向影響;(三)正向師生關係經驗對特輔學生人格發展更顯重要;(四)特輔學生追求同儕認同,互助學習情感支持有助成長;(五)特輔學生成長與改變考驗老師接納包容力,須耐心等待陪伴。 其次,從學生角度看特輔教育落實情形,讓教育者與學生對話,獲以下結論:(一)重要性與值得肯定及延續的部分:提供學習機會,造福弱勢群體;落實「因材施教」、鼓勵「多元發展」,有利特輔學生學習;接納關愛的師生關係幫助學生正向成長;(二)需省思或調整的部分:特輔教育實施模式缺乏參考他國模式、特輔學生高中適應情形缺乏追蹤、教師信念與態度須調整;華文小學發展不利,間接增加弱勢學生比例,迫切需要特輔教育;獨中發展特輔教育,受制於主流價值與菁英教育的框架,挑戰壓力不小。 最後,研究者針對教師或助人者、特輔教育模式、實施措施、親師溝通與教育家長之工作與未來研究方向提出建議,以期能供獨中特輔教育參考。
The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of compensatory education to students’ school experiences in the Chinese Independent School at Malaysia. Four high school graduated students participated in this research. The research adopts the narrative-analytic method developed by Lieblich, Tuval-Mashiach, and Zilber, with using “holistic-content” and “categorical-content” as analytic approach. As results, teachers were playing the most important role to execute compensatory education measure and to influence students, students performed well while teachers had good expectation on them, good teacher-student relationships could contribute to students’ personality development, and teachers needto be caring, holding and patient. Besides, peer-relationships were important and helpful to the students, they gain the identity and support from peers. Furthermore, research has found out some positive and improvement of the compensatory education. The positive part were provided educational opportunity to the disadvantaged students, compensatory education emphasized on teaching students due to their capability had improved the learning effective, and the caring teacher-student relationships had possitive influenced on students. For the improvement part, the school might try to refer to the compensatory education model from others country, the followed up of students adaptation situation at high school was needed, teachers’ negative attitude through the students should adjust, and the mainstream value of achievements had become the resistance on the development of compensatory education in the Chinese Independent School at Malaysia. Finally, the research contributed some sugguesstion to teachers, helper and the compensatory educator.



師生關係, 弱勢學生, 特輔教育, 馬來西亞華文獨立中學, teacher-student relationships, disadvantaged student, compensatory education, Chinese Independent School at Malaysia





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