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生活技能( Life Skills )是年輕人非常需要的技能之一,其被定義為應對日常生活的需求和挑戰所需的技能。而21世紀的年輕人必須培養多種的生活技能才能在全球經濟市場取得成功。故本研究目的為探討體驗教學模式下的運動心理學課程對參與者的生活技能增進之成效。本研究於北部某國立大學之運動心理學課程招募參與者,將69位參與者隨機分成兩組,並先進行十週的合班教學課程,再進行四週共八小時的體驗教育教學模式與一般講述教學模式之分班課程教學,最後則進行兩週的合班教學課程,並在分班課程前後填寫生活技能量表、課程體驗量表。分析結果顯示實驗組與控制組前後測生活技能量表、課程體驗量表分數的變化均沒有達到統計上的顯著,不過從量表分數與教師日誌觀察紀錄中可以發現,學生在經過體驗教學模式的運動心理學課程後,有良好的生活技能學習成效與課程體驗。本研究根據分析結果進行討論並提出教學輔導及未來研究上的建議。
Life skills are one of the skills that young people are in high demand for, which are defined as the skills needed to cope with the demands and challenges of everyday life. Young people in the 21st century must develop a variety of life skills to succeed in the global economic marketplace. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the effect of sports psychology courses on students' life skills under the experiential teaching mode. In this study, participants were recruited from a sports psychology course at a national university in the north, and 69 participants were randomly assigned to either an experimental or a control groups. Both groups first were gone through a ten-week co-class teaching course, followed by a four-week, with a total of eight hours, of an experiential teaching mode or a traditional lecturing teaching mode course, and finally received a two-week co-class teaching course. The life skills scale and course experience scale for students were administered before and after the four-week divided course. The results of the analysis showed that although the changes in the scores of the life skills scale and the course experience scale between these two groups before and after the interventions did not reach statistical significance, a close check of the scale scores and teacher’s log revealed that after the experiential teaching-style sports psychology course, the students have good life skills learning effects and course experience. Based on the analysis results, this study discusses and puts forward suggestions for teaching guidance and future research.
Life skills are one of the skills that young people are in high demand for, which are defined as the skills needed to cope with the demands and challenges of everyday life. Young people in the 21st century must develop a variety of life skills to succeed in the global economic marketplace. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the effect of sports psychology courses on students' life skills under the experiential teaching mode. In this study, participants were recruited from a sports psychology course at a national university in the north, and 69 participants were randomly assigned to either an experimental or a control groups. Both groups first were gone through a ten-week co-class teaching course, followed by a four-week, with a total of eight hours, of an experiential teaching mode or a traditional lecturing teaching mode course, and finally received a two-week co-class teaching course. The life skills scale and course experience scale for students were administered before and after the four-week divided course. The results of the analysis showed that although the changes in the scores of the life skills scale and the course experience scale between these two groups before and after the interventions did not reach statistical significance, a close check of the scale scores and teacher’s log revealed that after the experiential teaching-style sports psychology course, the students have good life skills learning effects and course experience. Based on the analysis results, this study discusses and puts forward suggestions for teaching guidance and future research.
生活技能, 運動心理學課程, 體驗教育, 體驗學習, life skills, sports psychology class, experiential education, experiential learning