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文學和音樂兩者⾃古以來便相互襯映,⽽觀察現今詩樂結合的發展,將格律破除之後,詩和⾳樂結合的形式更加多元、留下更空間提供創作者闡發。詩能夠⾃成⼀格,也能開始結合話劇、歌詞、說唱藝術等,產⽣不同藝術形式交融後的特殊樣態。 本次專輯製作欲探討「詩」「樂」結合,了解其發展脈絡、進⾏作品分析,也穿插與前輩訪 談紀錄及經驗分享,最後透過專輯製作實踐。第⼀章〈緒論〉,說明創作背景及動機,並界定以「詩」入「樂」之形式及相關名詞。 第⼆章〈⽂獻探討〉,探討詩與樂結合的文化脈絡,如近年興起的「文學轉譯風潮」,以及獨立音樂的興起等等,最後以「詩化歌詞的創作」、「以詩入歌的創作」、「朗誦形式的創作」形式分類的作品探討⾳樂與新詩結合。 第三章〈創作⽅法〉,從⽂獻探討中的⾳樂作品歸納出創作作品具有「語⾔的陌⽣化」帶來的美感、「詞彙風格及修辭使⽤」及「唱調與唸調的諧和」造成的⾳樂性、「歌曲結構及⾳韻」的⾃由度等特性進⾏分析、訪談相關創作者的經驗分享,發展「詩」與「樂」 結合的作品。 第四章〈創作計劃〉中,以前述三種詩樂結合形式嘗試不同創作模式:第一節以母語詩與音樂的共振計劃:與客語詩人邱一帆老師的共同書寫曲目一 <天時> 、曲目二<路,總愛行下去> 為例。第⼆節為「以詩入歌—房間裡共同書寫計劃」,邀請詩⼈尚玉婷及雙⽊吉他樂團夕暮⽔並共同完成兩首作品。第三節為「詩化語⾔創作歌曲——房間裡的⾃我書寫計畫」以筆者創作的兩首詩化語⾔曲作品進⾏深度自我剖析。 第五章〈結論〉總結本次專輯製作的成果,並提出詩樂結合創作進⾏中遇到發現,及落實於音樂製作上的挑戰限制及⾃我修正,以及未來執⾏可持續發展之⽅向。
Literature and music - these two fields have been in an intimate relationship for a long time; up to now, the recent development in the combination of poetry and music results in the diversity of their forms and facilitates the space for musical composers to develop or elucidate. Poetry could create its style or link with other regimes of art, such as rap, generating a unique form after the fusion of different art fields. Discussing the combination of poetry with music and understanding their development context are the aims of this album production. Work analyses and interviews with predecessors were also conducted during the album production process. Our research could be divided into five parts as the following:Chapter 1, the Introduction, explains the background and motivation of this study. Furthermore, we define the form of the combination between poetry and music and the related terms. Chapter 2, the Literature Review, discusses the cultural context for combining poetry and music, such as the rising trends in literacy translation and independent music. This study examines the integration of music and new poetry through various approaches. Chapter 3, the Creative Approaches, summarizes the aesthetic feeling brought about by the unfamiliarity of language. In addition, this study discusses the role of"vocabulary style and rhetorical use" and "harmony of singing and pronunciation" in musical works. Moreover, we also analyze the musicality and the freedom degree of "song structure and phonology" in combination with the experience sharing of the relevant interviewees to develop our works. Chapter 4 is the Creation plans. In this part, as mentioned above, three forms of the music-and-poetry combination are taken as various creative approaches for this album and separate our plan into several parts with more details for each approach.Chapter 5, the Conclusion, summarizes the achievements of this album production and advances the discoveries encountered in creating the music-and-poetry combination. Besides, we put forward several issues related to the challenges, limitations, self-correction, and future development in music production.



音樂文學, 以詩入樂, ⾳樂製作, 獨立音樂, 詞曲創作, Musical literature, Independent music, Music production, Songwriting, The convergence of poetry and music





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