為何教師專業發展活動不有效?TALIS 2018臺灣國中教師調查結果之羅吉斯驗證
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National Taiwan Normal University
National Taiwan Normal University
臺灣於2018年參加經濟合作暨發展組織(Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD)舉辦之「教學與學習國際調查」(Teaching and Learning International Survey, TALIS),國中教師在專業發展「對教學產生正面影響之活動特性」(即有效教師專業發展)中,「提供後續活動」、「學校多數同事參加」、「有較長的舉辦時間」調查結果都偏低,與學界主張有效專業發展的研究結果背道而馳。本研究旨在針對臺灣國中教師調查結果,採用羅吉斯迴歸統計進行次級資料分析,探究此矛盾背後來自教師個人與學校層面的可能因素。本研究發現:一、教師認為專業發展活動不有效,乃因工作忙碌、家庭責任與欠缺誘因;二、教師持「以學生為主」的教學信念愈高,愈能認同專業發展活動之有效性;三、工作滿意度也是教師知覺專業發展能對教學產生正面影響的重要來源之一;四、學校教學創新的支持環境愈高,教師愈能知覺專業發展活動的有效特徵;五、專業發展活動類型與有效特徵顯著不一,顯示專業發展活動類型應該根據目的和內容並兼顧教師個人需求而定。本研究最後提供建議,期以真正落實「有效」的教師專業發展。
Taiwan participated in the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) in 2018. The survey results related to teacher professional development contradict academic research for several survey items. The aim of this study was to investigate the factors that might explain the contradictory results regarding teachers' personal and school environments. The study examined secondary data from TALIS by using logistic regression analysis. The findings are as follows: (1) teachers are less likely to agree to follow-up activities and extended professional development due to their busy work schedules, their family responsibilities, and a lack of incentives; (2) the stronger teachers' beliefs in student-oriented teaching are, the more they recognize the effectiveness of professional development activities; (3) job satisfaction is related to teachers' perceptions of the effectiveness of professional development; (4) the more supportive a school environment is of teaching innovation, the more teachers recognize the characteristics of effective professional development; and (5) the types and characteristics of professional development activities are significantly different. The study provides suggestions for implementing effective teacher professional development.
Taiwan participated in the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) in 2018. The survey results related to teacher professional development contradict academic research for several survey items. The aim of this study was to investigate the factors that might explain the contradictory results regarding teachers' personal and school environments. The study examined secondary data from TALIS by using logistic regression analysis. The findings are as follows: (1) teachers are less likely to agree to follow-up activities and extended professional development due to their busy work schedules, their family responsibilities, and a lack of incentives; (2) the stronger teachers' beliefs in student-oriented teaching are, the more they recognize the effectiveness of professional development activities; (3) job satisfaction is related to teachers' perceptions of the effectiveness of professional development; (4) the more supportive a school environment is of teaching innovation, the more teachers recognize the characteristics of effective professional development; and (5) the types and characteristics of professional development activities are significantly different. The study provides suggestions for implementing effective teacher professional development.