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「高瞻計畫」是國科會首次直接補助高中職進行研究性質的多年期計畫,透過學校由下而 上研發創新課程來改進教學,提供學生探究的學習情境,誘發高中生對科技的好奇心與興趣, 培養高中生能主動探索動態新興科技發展過程,與探究科技對人類的影響等科學研究能力, 期待更提昇全國高中職科學與科技教育的品質。第一期28 所高中職執行高瞻計畫學校的研發 成果豐碩,但由於校與校之間的交流不夠,除了執行高瞻計畫學校之外,其他學校沒有機會 看到這些成果,相當可惜。因此本子計畫目的在將高瞻計畫中優良的成果作品與教案推廣到 各校,目前選定蘭陽女中、苗栗農工和高雄女中的執行成果作為推廣的範例,同時邀請其他 團隊人員進行經驗分享,分北、中、南區辦理教師研習工作坊和學生科學營,使原本沒參加 第一期高瞻計畫的高中職學校教師有機會接觸到已開發的創新式課程教材,作為其校內教學 或活動參考,讓學生能夠接觸到新興科技發展原理與過程,啟發學生對新興科技的興趣,進 而主動學習科學與科技,讓新科學與科技在中學階段紮深根。
High-Scope Program is the first multi-years research project for senior high schools and vocational high schools fund by National Science Council. Program provided schools to develop creative courses for students learning through investigation and enriching research ability and knowledge of science and technology. It is expected to promote senior high school and vocational high school education quality. There were 28 projects at the first period, and all of them product plentiful results. Unfortunately, the interchange among schools is not enough, and there is no opportunity for high schools to see these results, except carrying out project schools. The purpose of this project is to disseminate excellent project results in High-Scope Program. The project results of National Lan Yang Girls’ Senior High School, National Miao Li Agricultural and Industrial Vocational School, and Kaohsiung Municipal Girls’ Senior High School are selected as the examples of dissemination. Workshops for high school teachers will be held in north, middle, and south Taiwan, along with to share experience of some project teams at the same time. A student science camp will be held and some project students will be invited to share their experiences about what they have done in High-Scope Program.
High-Scope Program is the first multi-years research project for senior high schools and vocational high schools fund by National Science Council. Program provided schools to develop creative courses for students learning through investigation and enriching research ability and knowledge of science and technology. It is expected to promote senior high school and vocational high school education quality. There were 28 projects at the first period, and all of them product plentiful results. Unfortunately, the interchange among schools is not enough, and there is no opportunity for high schools to see these results, except carrying out project schools. The purpose of this project is to disseminate excellent project results in High-Scope Program. The project results of National Lan Yang Girls’ Senior High School, National Miao Li Agricultural and Industrial Vocational School, and Kaohsiung Municipal Girls’ Senior High School are selected as the examples of dissemination. Workshops for high school teachers will be held in north, middle, and south Taiwan, along with to share experience of some project teams at the same time. A student science camp will be held and some project students will be invited to share their experiences about what they have done in High-Scope Program.