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一、 飲酒知識部份,整體而言,三年級學生的飲酒知識較一年級好。酒類媒體廣告訊息接觸之頻率愈高,飲酒知識越高。
二、 飲酒態度部份,整體而言,一年級的態度較三年級正向;女生較男生正向;學業成績在班級上是中間三分之一者較後面三分之一者的態度正向;父母親飲酒情形方面,研究對象的父母親從未飲酒者較經常飲酒者的態度正向;同儕飲酒方面,研究對象的同儕(朋友)從未飲酒較偶爾與經常飲酒者的態度正向。酒類媒體廣告訊息接觸之頻率愈高,飲酒態度愈負向。酒類媒體廣告訊息接觸之態度愈正向,飲酒態度也愈正向。飲酒知識愈正向,飲酒態度也愈正向。
三、 飲酒行為部份,研究對象飲酒率為64.2%,一個月內有飲酒者的飲酒率為34.3%。整體平均每月吸收的酒精總克數為130.99克,約為11瓶罐裝啤酒,且男生飲酒量比女生多;同儕經常飲酒者的飲酒行為較偶爾與從不飲酒者的飲酒行為嚴重,偶爾飲酒者的飲酒行為較從不飲酒者的飲酒行為嚴重。酒類媒體廣告訊息接觸之頻率愈高者,飲酒行為愈嚴重。酒類媒體廣告訊息接觸之態度愈正向或飲酒態度愈正向者,或健康控握信念傾向內控型者,較少有飲酒行為。
四、 研究對象社會人口學變項與健康控握信念可解釋飲酒行為總變異量的6.5%,再進一步投入「酒類媒體廣告訊息接觸之頻率」、「酒類媒體廣告訊息接觸之態度」、「飲酒知識」及「飲酒態度」四個變項後,可再顯著增加2.5%的解釋力,其中只有「飲酒態度」能有意義的預測研究對象飲酒行為。亦即研究對象所感受的「飲酒態度」愈負向,其飲酒行為愈嚴重,人體所吸收之酒精總克數愈多。
This research is based in cross-sectional survey method and in accordance with students from second semester in academic year of ninety- ninety for senior high and vocational high schools in Taipei city. This study is used questionnaire survey by stratified-cluster random sampling method. Selecting 24 classes from first grade to third grade of students. There are 954 questionnaires. The effective return rate is 94.7%, a total sample size were 903 students. The important summary is as follows: 1. The aspect of knowledge of drinking, the third grade students have more knowledge of drinking than first grade students. The students, who have the higher access to the media Information of alcohol frequency and have more knowledge of drinking. 2. The aspect of attitudes toward drinking, the first grade students are more positive of attitudes toward drinking than third grade students. The female are more positive than male. The middle academic performance of students are more positive than lower .The parents of the student don’t drinking are more positive than parents of the student drinking. The peer of the student don’t drinking are more positive than peer of the student drinking. The students, who have the higher access to the media information of Alcohol frequency and are more negative for aspect of Attitudes toward Drinking. Students have more knowledge of drinking and are more positive for aspect of attitudes toward drinking. 3. The aspect of drinking behavior, the drinking ratio for researched students is 64.2% and drinking ratio in month for researched students is 34.3%. The students who have higher drinking behavior are male, peer of the student Sometimes or often drinking. In addition, have the higher access to the media information of alcohol frequency and have higher drinking behavior. The students who are more positive the access to the media information of alcohol attitudes, students who are more positive the attitudes toward drinking and lower drinking behavior. The students who have internal health locus of control and lower drinking behavior. 4. Under the control of social population and health locus of control variable, we discover the major forecasted elements is “attitudes toward drinking”, could explain 2.5 % of participants’ drinking behavior. The students, who are more negative for attitudes toward drinking, are tended to drinking.
This research is based in cross-sectional survey method and in accordance with students from second semester in academic year of ninety- ninety for senior high and vocational high schools in Taipei city. This study is used questionnaire survey by stratified-cluster random sampling method. Selecting 24 classes from first grade to third grade of students. There are 954 questionnaires. The effective return rate is 94.7%, a total sample size were 903 students. The important summary is as follows: 1. The aspect of knowledge of drinking, the third grade students have more knowledge of drinking than first grade students. The students, who have the higher access to the media Information of alcohol frequency and have more knowledge of drinking. 2. The aspect of attitudes toward drinking, the first grade students are more positive of attitudes toward drinking than third grade students. The female are more positive than male. The middle academic performance of students are more positive than lower .The parents of the student don’t drinking are more positive than parents of the student drinking. The peer of the student don’t drinking are more positive than peer of the student drinking. The students, who have the higher access to the media information of Alcohol frequency and are more negative for aspect of Attitudes toward Drinking. Students have more knowledge of drinking and are more positive for aspect of attitudes toward drinking. 3. The aspect of drinking behavior, the drinking ratio for researched students is 64.2% and drinking ratio in month for researched students is 34.3%. The students who have higher drinking behavior are male, peer of the student Sometimes or often drinking. In addition, have the higher access to the media information of alcohol frequency and have higher drinking behavior. The students who are more positive the access to the media information of alcohol attitudes, students who are more positive the attitudes toward drinking and lower drinking behavior. The students who have internal health locus of control and lower drinking behavior. 4. Under the control of social population and health locus of control variable, we discover the major forecasted elements is “attitudes toward drinking”, could explain 2.5 % of participants’ drinking behavior. The students, who are more negative for attitudes toward drinking, are tended to drinking.
飲酒行為, 酒類媒體廣告, 健康控握信念, 飲酒知識, 飲酒態度, drinking behavior, media information of alcohol, health locus of control, knowledge of drinking, attitudes toward drinking