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This dissertation compares some isomorphic words by using a Chinese corpus, Academia Sinica Balanced Corpus of Modern Chinese, and a Japanese corpus, Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese. These words analyzed in this paper are Japanese loanwords in Chinese. They are examined and compared mainly from the perspectives of part of speech and transitivity of verbs. The results show some differences as well in some of these isomorphic words between Chinese and Japanese. Based on these differences in terms of part of speech and verb transitivity, 17 isomorphic words were selected and 28 Chinese sentences were made in order to test native Japanese speakers’ judging ability about isomorphic words used in Chinese. 51 subjects were surveyed in this research. All of them were Japanese native speakers who were studying or have studied Chinese. 14 subjects were categorized as elementary level learners of Chinese, 14 were intermediate level learners, and 16 were advanced level learners. The results of this survey indicate that the differences in part of speech in some isomorphic words between Japanese and Chinese have interfered with learners’ correct use of these isomorphic words in Chinese. The results also show that the differences in transitivity in isomorphic words have caused learners’ misjudgement about grammatical use of these words in Chinese because the transitivity differences widen the gaps in syntactical structures between the two languages. When Japanese native speakers learn Chinese, it is necessary for them to know the differences and similarities in isomorphic words between the two languages in oder to avoid negative transfers from Japanese.
This dissertation compares some isomorphic words by using a Chinese corpus, Academia Sinica Balanced Corpus of Modern Chinese, and a Japanese corpus, Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese. These words analyzed in this paper are Japanese loanwords in Chinese. They are examined and compared mainly from the perspectives of part of speech and transitivity of verbs. The results show some differences as well in some of these isomorphic words between Chinese and Japanese. Based on these differences in terms of part of speech and verb transitivity, 17 isomorphic words were selected and 28 Chinese sentences were made in order to test native Japanese speakers’ judging ability about isomorphic words used in Chinese. 51 subjects were surveyed in this research. All of them were Japanese native speakers who were studying or have studied Chinese. 14 subjects were categorized as elementary level learners of Chinese, 14 were intermediate level learners, and 16 were advanced level learners. The results of this survey indicate that the differences in part of speech in some isomorphic words between Japanese and Chinese have interfered with learners’ correct use of these isomorphic words in Chinese. The results also show that the differences in transitivity in isomorphic words have caused learners’ misjudgement about grammatical use of these words in Chinese because the transitivity differences widen the gaps in syntactical structures between the two languages. When Japanese native speakers learn Chinese, it is necessary for them to know the differences and similarities in isomorphic words between the two languages in oder to avoid negative transfers from Japanese.
日語借用詞, 同形詞, 詞類, 及物性, 句法, Japanese loanword, isomorphic word, part of speech, transitivity, syntactical structure