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本研究計畫為兩年期整合型計畫「教育改革的論述、實踐與反省」下之子計畫四, 研究的主題為「教育機會均等的論述、實踐與反省-以後期中等教育之教育進路改革為 例」。整合型計畫在分析這波教育改革的訴求(論述)與成因、實際執行情況,並對改革的 論述與實踐情形作批判反省,應提出理論上與實務上的建議。本子計畫處理的是教育改 革中的均等訴求,為了縮小研究範圍,以與教育機會均等關係密切的後期中等教育之教 育進路變革為研究焦點。 具體言之,本研究兩年的研究目的如下: (一)第一年之研究目的: 1. 歸納整理我國自1950 年迄今後期中等教育階段教育進路的變革; 2. 分析1950 年迄今後期中等教育階段教育進路變革中有關教育機會均等論 述的內容、具體作法與影響; 3. 比較1990 年前(1950-1994)、後(1994 迄今)後期中等教育階段教育進路變 革中有關教育機會均等論述、具體作法與影響的差異與轉變; 4. 以後期中等教育進路為焦點,分析1950 年迄今教育機會均等論述轉變的 脈絡因素與成因; 5. 為第二年研究作準備,整理高中職多元入學方案、高中高職社區化、綜合 高中等制度對後期中等教育之教育進路的具體影響。 (二)第二年之研究目的: 1. 以高中高職社區化、綜合高中及多元入學方案為例,分析這三項與後期中 等教育之教育進路密切相關的政策中,教育機會均等的內涵與作法。 2. 搜集實徵資料,評估高中高職社區化、綜合高中與多元入學方案這三項政 策的作法對教育機會均等實際產生的影響。 3. 比較不同教育進路對教育機會均等產生的影響; 4. 以教育機會均等為焦點,對後期中等教育之教育進路提出具體建議。 本研究兩年間擬採用的方法包括文件分析、文獻分析、訪談、專家座談、官方及次 級資料庫分析、調查研究等。首先透過文獻分析、文件分析與訪談瞭解我國自1950 年 來後期中等教育之教育進路改革中教育機會均等的論述、作法與影響,並透過專家座談 瞭解高中職多元入學方案、高中職社區化與綜合高中等制度如何影響到教育機會均等。 並將研讀國內官方與次級資料庫,尋找次年可用來達成研究目的的變項資料。第二年則 透過官方及次級資料庫分析,問卷調查與訪談搜集實徵資料回答研究問題。 本研究在理論論與實務層面都具有重要貢獻,理論部份可以比較入學進路/制度變 革對教育機會均等的影響,建立理論,說明影響教育機會均等論述轉變的脈絡因素與成 因。在實務部份可以釐清教育改革對教育機會均等的影響,並提出具體建議,作為改革 後期中等教育之教育進路的建議,以促進教與機會均等。
The proposed research project is a sub-project of a two-year integrated study: 「Discourse, Practice and Reflection:Analyzing Recent Education Reform in Taiwan」. The integrated project intends to investigate the discourse and practice of recent education reform in Taiwan. The title of this sub-project is 「 Discourses, Practices and Reflections:Equality of Educational Opportunity and Access to Upper Secondary Education」. It will focus on the issue of equal educational opportunity with a special attention to the reform related to the access upper secondary education. In sum, the objectives of the research are listed as follows: First Year: 1. Describe reforms related to access to upper-secondary education in Taiwan since 1950. 2. Analyze the discourse of, practices of, and impact on equal educational opportunity related to reforms in access to upper-secondary education. 3. Compare and explain the difference in the discourse and practice of equal educational opportunity before and after education reform using access to upper-secondary education as an example. 4. Investigating the contextual factors that affected the changes in the discourse about equal educational opportunity since 1950 using access to upper secondary education as an example. 5. Synthesize the impact of recent reform policies (including Multiple Entries to Upper Secondary Education (MEUSE), Blending Communities and Upper Secondary Education (BCUSE), and Comprehensive High School (CHS)) on access to upper secondary education. Second Year 1. Using MEUSE, BCUSE, and CHS as examples, analyzing their impact on access to upper secondary education. Synthesize their contents and practice related to equal educational opportunity. 2. Evaluating the impact of MEUSE, BCUSE, and CHS policies on equality of educational opportunities through empirical investigations. 3. Compare the impact of various accesses to upper secondary education on equality of educational opportunities. 4. Provide feedback for improving equality of educational opportunities by reforming access to upper secondary education. The methods used to address research questions include documentary analysis, literature review, interview, focus group interview, official and secondary data analysis, and survey research method. This research is important not in both theoretical and practical dimensions. On the theoretical dimension, recent reform in access to secondary higher education provide excellent chance to investigate the impact of access/system changes on equality of educational opportunity. It can also illustrate what and how contextual factors affect discourse in equality of educational opportunity. On the practical dimension, it helps to clarify the debate in the impact of changes in access to upper secondary education on the equality of educational opportunity. Concrete suggestions will be provided on how equal educational opportunity can be improved through reform in access to upper secondary education.







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