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本論文研究的主要目的在探討國小學童課後規律運動行為的相關因素,研究母群體為九十八學年度第二學期就讀台中縣某國小四、五、六年級之學生,採分層集束抽樣法(Cluster sampling)進行抽樣,共得有效樣本306份。研究工具採自編結構式問卷,以團體自填問卷方式收集資料,施測的時間為民國99年1月11日~1月15日止。研究重點結果歸納如下:
一、研究對象有運動習慣為91.5%,其中規律運動習慣比率為71.24%,每次有達30分鐘以上為85.6%;每週運動次數達3次以上比率為82.7%,其中每週運動次數達5次只有34.3%;每次運動時間以30分鐘~未滿一小時,佔32.8%,顯示研究對象對於規律運動的促進尚有改進的空間 。
The purpose of the study focused on factors related to elementary school children’s regular exercise. The population were the fourth、fifth and sixth grade children of elementary school in 98 session 2nd semester in Taichung County. The samples were selected by stratified cluster sampling and 306 were obtained. Data were collected by self-reported structured questionnaires in 2010 from January 11 to January 15. The results of the study are as follows: 1.91.5% of the subjects do exercise and 71.24% subjects are regular exercis. People who exercise each time over 30 minutes are 85.6%;82.7% are up to 3 times each week; up to 5 times each week are only 34.3%.Those who exercised more than 30 minutes and less than an hour are 32.8%. These result s indicate that the improvement for the promotion of regular exercise is still needed. 2.The subjects who think that exercise can improve health, enhance and improve the physical fitness have a high degree of perceived benefits for exercise; perceived barriers scores are biased in the low-level .The social support factors in family, schoolmates, friends, sports has the greatest impact in emotional campaign support;the social support of the teachers was higher than the middle level but the peer social support for exercise was low. 3.The subjects who are male, sixth grade, participate in tutorial、school clubs and school sport teams have higher peer social support. 4.The factor of perceived benefits of exercise and exercise self-efficacy has a significant positive correlation; the relation of social support factors in family members, classmates, friends, sports and with regular exercise behaviors are positively correlated. 5.Logistic regression analysis shows that children who involved in school sports clubs, who better perceived benefits of exercise and self-efficacy do more regular exercise.
The purpose of the study focused on factors related to elementary school children’s regular exercise. The population were the fourth、fifth and sixth grade children of elementary school in 98 session 2nd semester in Taichung County. The samples were selected by stratified cluster sampling and 306 were obtained. Data were collected by self-reported structured questionnaires in 2010 from January 11 to January 15. The results of the study are as follows: 1.91.5% of the subjects do exercise and 71.24% subjects are regular exercis. People who exercise each time over 30 minutes are 85.6%;82.7% are up to 3 times each week; up to 5 times each week are only 34.3%.Those who exercised more than 30 minutes and less than an hour are 32.8%. These result s indicate that the improvement for the promotion of regular exercise is still needed. 2.The subjects who think that exercise can improve health, enhance and improve the physical fitness have a high degree of perceived benefits for exercise; perceived barriers scores are biased in the low-level .The social support factors in family, schoolmates, friends, sports has the greatest impact in emotional campaign support;the social support of the teachers was higher than the middle level but the peer social support for exercise was low. 3.The subjects who are male, sixth grade, participate in tutorial、school clubs and school sport teams have higher peer social support. 4.The factor of perceived benefits of exercise and exercise self-efficacy has a significant positive correlation; the relation of social support factors in family members, classmates, friends, sports and with regular exercise behaviors are positively correlated. 5.Logistic regression analysis shows that children who involved in school sports clubs, who better perceived benefits of exercise and self-efficacy do more regular exercise.
國小學童, 規律運動, 自覺運動利益, 自覺運動障礙, 運動自我效能, 社會支持, elementary school children, regular exercise, perceived benefits for exercise, perceived barrier to exercise, self-efficacy for exercise, social support for exercise