

本研究旨在建構職能模式之評鑑項目,透過探討文獻建立職能模式的評鑑構面,透過德懷術問卷調查分析各個評鑑項目的重要性,同時綜合分析研究結果及提出建議,以作為未來企業評鑑職能模式效用之參考。 實施德懷術專家問卷調查階段,共計對德懷術專家12人,進行三回合的意見徵詢,最後經由德懷術問卷調查所得資料,以平均數、眾數及四分位差等統計方法進行分析。 本研究所歸納出職能模式的評鑑構面共有五個,「招募甄選」、「教育訓練」、「績效評估」、「生涯發展」與「人力資源規劃」。經過三回德懷術專家問卷施測後,依專家評定的重要程度及共識程度獲得研究結論如下: 一、招募甄選構面,結果有三項屬於非常重要之項目,二項屬重要之項目。三項非常重要之項目如下,1.新進員工的能力與職務需求的「符合度」,2.新進人員一年內的「流動率」,3.新進人員試用期的「留任率」。 二、教育訓練構面,結果有一項屬於非常重要之項目,11項屬重要之項目,非常重要之項目內容為教育訓練成果評估的目標「明確性」。 三、績效評估構面,結果有一項屬於非常重要之項目,七項屬重要之項目,非常重要之項目內容為主管對員工績效表現的「回饋程度」。 四、生涯發展構面,結果有二項屬於非常重要之項目,四項屬重要之項目。二項非常重要之項目如下,1.員工對欲接班的職務所需能力之「明確程度」,2.公司能評鑑出高潛在績效人員的「比率」。 五、人力資源規劃構面,結果有一項屬於非常重要之項目,五項屬重要之項目。非常重要之項目內容為工作設計明確性:職務與工作內容能互相搭配。 最後,本研究依據研究結論提出建議,大致上分為下列兩大類: 一、三點對企業界之建議,1.優先考慮達「非常重要」程度的項目,2.量化項目與質化項目相互應用,3.配合適當的評鑑方法。 二、五點對後續研究之建議,1.進行深度訪談了解其原因並進行修正。2.增加不同背景的德懷術專家。3.探討學界是否與業界所重視之項目一致。4.針對個案公司進行實驗研究。5.建立合宜的評鑑模式與評鑑方法。
Abstract This study aims to establish the assessment items of competency model. For consulting references and applying the questionnaire of Delphi technique, the dimensions and the importance of each assessment items has been demonstrated and analyzed by the researcher to arrive at a conclusion as offering a future reference resource in the effectiveness of the enterprise competency models. The “Delphi Technique Expert Questionnaires” were circulated to twelve professionals in Delphi Technique as being examined and revised in the three-round-survey for proposing the formal questionnaire. Thereafter, the statistical methods, such as mean, mode, and quartile were used to analyze the collected results of the formal questionnaires in this research. There are five dimensions of assessment items in competency model, which is “Recruiting and Selection”, “Training Development”, “Performance Appraisal”, “Career Development”, and “Human Resource Planning”, has been concluded by this research. Moreover, the conclusive analyzed results of these five dimensions were shown separately as below. First, on the dimension of “Recruiting and Selection”, there were three items, “the level of fit with a new employee’s ability and the requirement of the job”, “the flow rate of new employees within the first year”, “and the perpetuation rate of new employees on probation”, meeting the “very important” scale; besides, another two items meeting the “important” scale. Secondly, on the dimension of “Training Development”, “the tangibility of the evaluation of the goal of the training” met the “very important” scale; otherwise, another eleven items belonged to the “important” scale. Thirdly, on the dimension of “Performance Appraisal”, “the level of feedback about an employee’s performance from his/her superintendent” met the “very important” scale; in addition, seven other items belonged to the “important” scale. Fourthly, on the dimension of “Career Development”, there were two items, “The staff wants the duty which takes over to need ability it “to be clear about the degree”. The other one, “the ratio of that the company can assess potential employees”; four other items meeting the “important” scale. Fifthly, on the dimension of “Human Resource Planning”, the results shows one very important item, “the specificity of the work content design, which means whether the title and content of work can be matched or not”, was referred to the very important scale; five other items belonged to the “important” scale. Conclusively, this research reveals two directions for the future direction of the enterprises and the follow-up research. For the enterprises, the “very important” items should be first considered; additionally, quantitative and qualitative items should be correlated with an appropriated evaluation method. As for the follow-up research, the deep interviews should be held for pursuit of the actual reasons, and the more different backgrounds of Delphi technique experts should be invited to testify the accordance with the academic and piratical fields, yet a case study should be made to an individual company to establish appropriated assessment items and methods. Keywords:Competency 、Competency Model、Assessment Items、 Delphi Technique



職能, 職能模式, 評鑑項目, 德懷術, Competency, Competency Model, Assessment Items, Delphi Technique





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