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本研究目的在發展適合青少年族群之預防愛滋病互動式教育光碟,探討此多媒體教材對學生之預防愛滋病知識、態度、行為意向及自我效能的效果,並以此研究作為未來推動學校預防愛滋病教育之參考。 此研究採準實驗設計之不相等前測-後測實驗組、對照組設計,選取一所高中及一所高職共315位學生為愛滋病互動式教育光碟的研究對象。實驗組學生接受愛滋病互動式教育光碟的教學50分鐘,對照組則不接受任何教學。所有的學生均接受前、後測。所得結論如下: 一、以配對t檢定實驗組學生前、後測之愛滋病知識、態度、行為意向及自我效能,僅愛滋病知識達顯著差異,亦即後測實驗組學生在愛滋病認知學習上較佳。 二、在控制前測分數之下,實驗組學生在愛滋病知識得分上顯著優於對照組,但在控制前測分數之下,實驗組學生在愛滋病態度、行為意向及自我效能與對照組相較並無差異。 認知學習在此次愛滋病介入教學中較為顯著,因此顯示知識上的增進遠較態度、行為意向及自我效能改變得快。本研究所發展之互動式教育光碟卻可有效提昇實驗組學生預防愛滋病的認知;雖然在態度、行為意向及自我效能方面並未達到顯著正向的變化,但仍有九成以上的學生認為此光碟可培養自己比較正向的態度來面對愛滋,且更有決心做到預防愛滋。 此互動式教育光碟以達到學生自我吸收、重覆學習的認知效果。因此可做為未來學校實施預防愛滋病教育時,教師教學上有力之教學輔助媒體。未來可以結合社區的力量來推廣此一新興教學方式,同時也可以進一步發展網路線上競爭遊戲。
The purpose of the study was to develop an AIDS interactive software for adolescents, exploring its effects on students?? AIDS knowledge, attitude, behavioral intention and self-efficacy as well as for promoting AIDS education within the school context. A nonequivalent-control group design was used in this study. 315students were selected from one senior high school and one vocational senior high school. Experimental group students received AIDS education of interactive game for 50 minutes while the control group did receive any treatment. All the groups received both pretest and posttest. The results are in the following. 1. Using pair-t test, there was significant learning on AIDS knowledge in the experimental group students between pre- and post-test, however, there was no difference in terms of AIDS attitude, behavioral intention and self-efficacy. 2. When controlling the pretest scores, MANCOVA was employed to examine the difference between the experimental and control groups. The results demonstrated that experimental group students exhibited much better learning on AIDS knowledge. However, there was no significance on AIDS attitude, behavioral intention and self-efficacy. This result was consistent with the previous findings that knowledge changes come first before the attitude, behavior and self-efficacy changes. This study demonstrated that an AIDS interactive software did enhance the experimental group students?? cognition. Although AIDS attitude, behavioral intention and self-efficacy scores were not positively significant, there were more than 90% of students indicated that this software would help them develop more positive attitude to face AIDS and showed more determination to do AIDS prevention. This interactive game impacted upon students?? self-learning and cognitive effects. In the future, this new trend of technology can be teachers?? powerful teaching tool. In addition, this tool can be connected with the local community to promote its use of self-learning, Online competition game may be developed for adolescents if the infrastructure is updated.
The purpose of the study was to develop an AIDS interactive software for adolescents, exploring its effects on students?? AIDS knowledge, attitude, behavioral intention and self-efficacy as well as for promoting AIDS education within the school context. A nonequivalent-control group design was used in this study. 315students were selected from one senior high school and one vocational senior high school. Experimental group students received AIDS education of interactive game for 50 minutes while the control group did receive any treatment. All the groups received both pretest and posttest. The results are in the following. 1. Using pair-t test, there was significant learning on AIDS knowledge in the experimental group students between pre- and post-test, however, there was no difference in terms of AIDS attitude, behavioral intention and self-efficacy. 2. When controlling the pretest scores, MANCOVA was employed to examine the difference between the experimental and control groups. The results demonstrated that experimental group students exhibited much better learning on AIDS knowledge. However, there was no significance on AIDS attitude, behavioral intention and self-efficacy. This result was consistent with the previous findings that knowledge changes come first before the attitude, behavior and self-efficacy changes. This study demonstrated that an AIDS interactive software did enhance the experimental group students?? cognition. Although AIDS attitude, behavioral intention and self-efficacy scores were not positively significant, there were more than 90% of students indicated that this software would help them develop more positive attitude to face AIDS and showed more determination to do AIDS prevention. This interactive game impacted upon students?? self-learning and cognitive effects. In the future, this new trend of technology can be teachers?? powerful teaching tool. In addition, this tool can be connected with the local community to promote its use of self-learning, Online competition game may be developed for adolescents if the infrastructure is updated.