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加泰隆尼亞作曲家夏比耶‧蒙撒瓦卻 (Xavier Montsalvatge, 1912-2002)為二十世紀重要且具影響力的音樂家和樂評家,並在當時西班牙與美洲地區的音樂圈享有聲譽。本文將探討蒙撒瓦卻於1945至1950年間創作的三組聲樂作品,分別為《五首黑人歌曲》 (Cinco Canciones Negras, 1945)、《搖籃曲》 (Nana, 1946)與《孩童之歌》 (Canciones para niños, 1950),共有十二首歌曲。 三組作品皆採用當代西班牙或古巴等地的著名詩人。作曲家在《五首黑人歌曲》內一共選用了四位詩人的作品,分別是拉斐爾‧阿爾貝堤 (Rafael Alberti, 1902-1999)、奈斯特‧盧漢 (Nestor Luján, 1922-1995)、尼可拉斯‧紀廉 (Nicolás Guillén, 1902-1989)及伊德馮索‧佩瑞達‧瓦爾德斯 (Ildefonso Pereda Valdés, 1899-1996);而其中尼可拉斯‧紀廉的作品則有兩首詩作被採用。《搖籃曲》與《孩童之歌》則是採用單一詩人的作品,《搖籃曲》以詩人艾米里歐‧巴亞加斯 (Emilio Ballagas, 1908-1954)的作品為歌詞,而《孩童之歌》通組作品則是選用費德里戈‧加西亞‧羅卡 (Federico García Lorca, 1898-1936)的詩詞。 由上述三組作品中,可以發現蒙撒瓦卻特殊的音樂風格與創作手法:他擅長以古典音樂的語法為寫作基底,並加上西班牙、加泰隆尼亞甚至是古巴的民謠和舞曲特色,如:節奏、和聲或是音樂旋律;使他的作品充滿濃厚的民俗風情。此外,蒙撒瓦卻在作曲技法上經常仿效運用新古典樂派的特徵,如:薄弱的織度、簡明的旋律、複調性和調式音樂。透過本文探討的三組作品中,亦可發現蒙撒瓦卻對於社會議題的重視,像是黑人歧視問題。除此之外,蒙撒瓦卻在歌詞的選用或者是音樂的動機設計上,都能展現他對音樂創作高度的細膩性與豐富性。
Catalan composer Xavier Montsalvatge (1912-2002) was an important, influential musician and critic in twentieth century, he was also famous in Spanish and American’s music society at that time. This thesis is going to research and analyze three vocal works of Montsalvatge, which were composed through 1945-1950: Cinco Canciones Negras (1945), Nana (1946) and Canciones para niños (1950), above including twelve songs. Those three works all adapt poems from contemporary poets in Spain and Cuba. The composer chose four poets’ works in Cinco Canciones Negras, whom were Rafael Alberti (1902-1999), Nestor Luján (1922-1995), Nicolás Guillén (1902-1989) and Ildefonso Pereda Valdés (1899-1996). Among them, two of Nicolás Guillén’s poems were chosen. Nevertheless, the texts of Nana and Canciones para niños are all from one single poet. Nana was made by Emilio Ballagas (1908-1954), and Canciones para niños was made by Federico García Lorca (1989-1936). From those three groups of songs, we can find Montsalvatge’s distinctive music style and compositional technique: he uses classical music’s articulation as the basic, integrates with Spanish, Catalan even Cubans’ folk or dance music which contain the characteristics of rhythm, harmony and melody, making his music national. Moreover, he often imitates the compositional features of Neo Classism, such as weak texture, simple melody, bitonality and mode. Through works this thesis researched, we can also discover that Montsalvatge takes social subject seriously, for instance: the racial prejudice of black people. Not only the select of texts but also the designs of music motives, the works of Montsalvatge reveal his highly elaboration and abundance towards composition.



蒙撒瓦卻, 加泰隆尼亞, 藝術歌曲, 五首黑人歌曲, 孩童之歌, 羅卡, Montsalvatge, Catalonia, art song, Cinco Canciones Negras, Canciones para niños, Lorca





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