An On-Line Robust and Adaptive T-S Fuzzy-Neural Controller for More General Unknown Systems
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W.-Y. Wang
Y.-H. Chien
I-H. Li
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This paper proposes a novel method of on-line modeling via the Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy-neural
model and robust adaptive control for a class of general unknown nonaffine nonlinear systems with external disturbances. Although studies about adaptive
T-S fuzzy-neural controllers have been made on some
nonaffine nonlinear systems, little is known on the
more complicated and general nonlinear systems.
Compared with the previous approaches, the contribution of this paper is an investigation of the more
general unknown nonaffine nonlinear systems using
on-line adaptive T-S fuzzy-neural controllers. Instead
of modeling these unknown systems directly, the T-S
fuzzy-neural model approximates a so-called virtual
linearized system (VLS), with modeling errors and
external disturbances. We prove that the closed-loop
system controlled by the proposed controller is robust
stable and the effect of all the unmodeled dynamics,
modeling errors and external disturbances on the
tracking error is attenuated under mild assumptions.
To illustrate the effectiveness and applicability of the
proposed method, simulation results are given in this