

為配合我國加入世界貿易組織(WTO)使我國更具競爭力,將我國海運系統流程快速化、便捷化、簡單化的流程有其必要性且實為急迫。由於,目前海運訂艙提單的整個流程,還是以傳統的方式進行,並不是很有效率。因此有必要,發展出一套電子化的快速作業方式,行政院已於在九十二年起配合挑戰2008計劃,建立全國性Portal/HUB。在交通部所要推行的「航港資訊系統建置計畫」中,將開發一套商港服務費系統,以因應新制度之推行,而在此計畫當中將取消商港建設費而改徵商港服務費。該系統目前以Web Service技術為核心,架構於MTNet之上,統籌基隆港、台中港、高雄港、與花蓮港等商港服務費之相關事宜,包括金流、資訊流、與收費作業管理等…。從原本繁瑣缺乏效率的人工式申辦服務,到目前線上網路服務式的服務申辦以及未來電子化政府概念的單一簽入式(Single Sign On)服務。 本論文以『航港單一窗口服務平台(MTNet)』作為的研究對象,並針對海運業者登入航港單一窗口服務平台申辦服務交易以基因演算法取代現行管理方式,在運送之前幫助決定船期與航線,以降低時間與成本的花費。其適應函數的規劃,可解決局部最佳解以及全域最佳解。 關鍵字:基因演算法,國際貨物運輸,航港單一窗口服務平台
The Executive Yuan of Taiwan decided to build a commercial port charge system in 2003 for matching "Challenging 2008: National Development Crucial Plan”. Among this big project, a "Marine Port Information System” including "Maritime Transportation Net (MTNet)" was designed to substitute the original payment flow and information flow system. The service management systems of several important harbors such as Keelung harbor, Taichung harbor, Kaohsiung harbor, and Hualien harbor offices were asked to be improved with Single Sign On service as shown in this study. Since the transshipping time and line selection are unpredictable for any consumer when they log in MTNet, the Genetic algorithm is better to be used to find an optimal solution as soon as possible for marine consumers. The results of this study were shown that the decision time of export or import line selection can be reduced with genetic algorithm and the payment processing can be known earlier before shipping their cargo. The fitness function developed in this study with statistical method can be used to find both local and global optimal values for cargo transportation. Key words: Genetic algorithm, International cargo transportation, MTNet



基因演算法, 國際貨物運輸, 航港單一窗口服務平台, Genetic algorithm, International cargo transportation, MTNet





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