青少年創意自我效能、競賽投入與參加競賽的價值之關係-以IEYI 世界青少年創客發明展選拔賽為例
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Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU
Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU
創新是將創意轉換成價值,創新能力日益重要,在當前的教育環境中特別需被重視和提倡。目前少有的研究多集中在學生參與激烈賽事中的態度和相關信念,因此本研究旨在了解學生如何克服發明展中出現的挑戰,能持續投入及肯定參加競賽的價值。研究從成就感控制價值理論的角度出發,提出相關研究問題,以理解學生的創意自我效能在實踐競賽中的作用,並探討其與學生積極競賽投入構面間的相關性以及參加世界青少年創客發明展選拔賽的競賽價值相關性。參賽者選擇附予價值的作品類別,並於作品與所選擇的類別間產生創意,透過自我效能和學習投入,肯定競賽的價值。本研究收集來自254 位學生的數據,並通過AMOS 20 進行驗證性因子分析和結構方程模型。結果顯示青少年創意自我效能、競賽投入與參加競賽的價值間具有良好的適配度與信效度,驗證此研究模式可使用性。這項研究的含義表明,學生的創意自我效能可以在參與競爭的動手製作過程中引起。本研究通過顯示三類的競賽投入可以促進或抑制參與者的競賽價值,進一步增加了我們對關係動力學的理解。與先前的研究相比,這項研究的結果似乎對參與競賽的價值產生更有意義的組合影響。綜合言之,本研究突破過去的研究成果,而對創造研究相關領域做出理論與實務性的貢獻,其主要貢獻有:一、本研究所建構模式適配度良好,且各構面之信度與效度俱佳,可解釋發明創作的競賽價值;二、研究驗證創意自我效能這項重要的特質,可分別增強對競賽的認知、情感與行為的投入,並且也能提升參加競賽的價值。
Innovation entails the transformation of creativity into value. Innovation abilities are increasingly important and need to bevalued and promoted in the current educational environment. To understand the role of students’ creative self-efficacy inpractical competitions, this study explored the relevance of students’ participation in active competition and participation inthe International Exhibition for Young Inventors (IEYI).Participants chose the work category attached to the value and created ideas between the work and the selected category,affirming the competition’s value through self-efficacy and engagements. This study collected data from 254 students andperformed confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) through AMOS 20. All items in thisstudy were different, that is, they could be used to investigate the response of the study sample. The average variation extraction ranged from 0.57 to 0.66, which was greater than 0.50; the factor load of each item ranged from 0.65 to 0.87,which was greater than 0.50. Therefore, the study data all met the test criteria of convergence validity and construct validity.In the study data, the combined reliability of each facet was above 0.899, which was greater than 0.70; the Cronbach’s αvalue of each facet ranged from 0.896 to 0.923, which met the criteria of internal consistency reliability. The acceptabilitymodel constructed in this study had statistically obtained indicators of χ2 = 497.1, df = 246, χ2/df = 2.02, RMSEA = 0.06, GFI= 0.86, AGF I= 0.83, NFI = 0.91, CFI = 0.94, IFI = 0.94, RFI = 0.91, PNFI = 0.79, PGFI = 0.71. The aforementionedindicators were in line with the verification criteria, showing that this model is suitable for analyzing all paths of this dataconstruction. The hypotheses established in this study were all accepted; the creative self-efficacy was positively correlatedwith three types of competition engagement, comprising cognition, emotion, and behavior. Additionally, the three types ofcompetition engagement were positively correlated with competition value. The cognitive input explanatory power was 62%,the emotional input explanatory power was 73%, the behavior input explanatory power was 79%, and the value explanatorypower of participating in IEYI was 76%. The results showed that young peoples’ creative self-efficacy, competitionengagements, and the value of competition participation had a good fit and intrinsic quality, which verified the relevantacceptance model.The study findings suggest that students’ creative self-efficacy can be caused by the hands-on process of competitionparticipation, such as participation in IEYI. This study further improves our understanding of relationship dynamics byshowing that three types of competition engagement can promote or inhibit participants’ competition value. Compared withprevious studies, this study’s results seem to have a more meaningful combined impact on the value of competitionparticipation. The study results have two main contributions: first, the research proposes that creative self-efficacy ofinvention creation is an important trait; second, previous research has confirmed that creative self-efficacy can improvecognitive, emotional, and behavioral engagement of competition and enhance the value of competition participation.
Innovation entails the transformation of creativity into value. Innovation abilities are increasingly important and need to bevalued and promoted in the current educational environment. To understand the role of students’ creative self-efficacy inpractical competitions, this study explored the relevance of students’ participation in active competition and participation inthe International Exhibition for Young Inventors (IEYI).Participants chose the work category attached to the value and created ideas between the work and the selected category,affirming the competition’s value through self-efficacy and engagements. This study collected data from 254 students andperformed confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) through AMOS 20. All items in thisstudy were different, that is, they could be used to investigate the response of the study sample. The average variation extraction ranged from 0.57 to 0.66, which was greater than 0.50; the factor load of each item ranged from 0.65 to 0.87,which was greater than 0.50. Therefore, the study data all met the test criteria of convergence validity and construct validity.In the study data, the combined reliability of each facet was above 0.899, which was greater than 0.70; the Cronbach’s αvalue of each facet ranged from 0.896 to 0.923, which met the criteria of internal consistency reliability. The acceptabilitymodel constructed in this study had statistically obtained indicators of χ2 = 497.1, df = 246, χ2/df = 2.02, RMSEA = 0.06, GFI= 0.86, AGF I= 0.83, NFI = 0.91, CFI = 0.94, IFI = 0.94, RFI = 0.91, PNFI = 0.79, PGFI = 0.71. The aforementionedindicators were in line with the verification criteria, showing that this model is suitable for analyzing all paths of this dataconstruction. The hypotheses established in this study were all accepted; the creative self-efficacy was positively correlatedwith three types of competition engagement, comprising cognition, emotion, and behavior. Additionally, the three types ofcompetition engagement were positively correlated with competition value. The cognitive input explanatory power was 62%,the emotional input explanatory power was 73%, the behavior input explanatory power was 79%, and the value explanatorypower of participating in IEYI was 76%. The results showed that young peoples’ creative self-efficacy, competitionengagements, and the value of competition participation had a good fit and intrinsic quality, which verified the relevantacceptance model.The study findings suggest that students’ creative self-efficacy can be caused by the hands-on process of competitionparticipation, such as participation in IEYI. This study further improves our understanding of relationship dynamics byshowing that three types of competition engagement can promote or inhibit participants’ competition value. Compared withprevious studies, this study’s results seem to have a more meaningful combined impact on the value of competitionparticipation. The study results have two main contributions: first, the research proposes that creative self-efficacy ofinvention creation is an important trait; second, previous research has confirmed that creative self-efficacy can improvecognitive, emotional, and behavioral engagement of competition and enhance the value of competition participation.