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四、在研究對象健康促進生活型態的6個層面中,由高而低依序為壓力處理、健康責任、人際支持、運動及營養,而自我實現為最低。而自覺健康狀況、健康概念、子女數以及年齡為能有效預測健康促進生活型態的因子,可解釋健康促進生活型態的變異量為 38.5%,其中以自覺健康狀況最有預測能力。
The main purpose of this study was to understood the healthy life style of employees in certain government’s organization in terms of ”self-perceived health status”, “health concept”, ”self realization”, “health responsibility”, “exercise”, “nutrition”, “interpersonal support”, “pressure handling”, etc.; meanwhile, the relationship among individual’s Social Demography variable and self-perceived health status, health concept and health-promotional life style, and finally, the major factors for affecting the adoption of health-promotional life style were found out. The population of this study was 382 employees from a certain government’s organization. A total survey was adopted and survey questionnaire was used for the survey; an effective returned questionnaire of about 331 copies were received. The research results show that: 1. The work satisfaction and mother’s health status of the research target had obvious effect on self-perceived health status. However, age, work satisfaction and mother’s health status had obvious effect on the formation of health concept. Besides, sex, age, marriage status, number of children and work satisfaction all have obvious effect on the health-promotional life style. 2. In the self-perceived health status aspect, the self-evaluation from the research target on his/her health status shows a result in between “the same as others” and “a little bit better”. In addition, there was an obvious positive relationship between self-perceived health status and health-promotional life style. 3. In the health concept aspect, the peaceful and happy health concept had the highest score, the next were in descending order as follows: role functionality, adaptation, and clinical nature had the lowest score; generally speaking, positive views on the health can be seen; furthermore, positive relationship can be seen among the self-perceived health status, health concept and its branch concept of the research target. 4. In the six aspects of health-promotional life style of the research target, they had the following descending order: pressure handling, health responsibility, interpersonal support, exercise and nutrition, and the self realization stands in the lowest position. Furthermore, self-perceived health status, health concept, number of children and age were factors that can effectively predict health-promotional life style, the variance to explain health-promotional life style was 38.5%; among them, the self-perceived health status had the highest predictive power.
The main purpose of this study was to understood the healthy life style of employees in certain government’s organization in terms of ”self-perceived health status”, “health concept”, ”self realization”, “health responsibility”, “exercise”, “nutrition”, “interpersonal support”, “pressure handling”, etc.; meanwhile, the relationship among individual’s Social Demography variable and self-perceived health status, health concept and health-promotional life style, and finally, the major factors for affecting the adoption of health-promotional life style were found out. The population of this study was 382 employees from a certain government’s organization. A total survey was adopted and survey questionnaire was used for the survey; an effective returned questionnaire of about 331 copies were received. The research results show that: 1. The work satisfaction and mother’s health status of the research target had obvious effect on self-perceived health status. However, age, work satisfaction and mother’s health status had obvious effect on the formation of health concept. Besides, sex, age, marriage status, number of children and work satisfaction all have obvious effect on the health-promotional life style. 2. In the self-perceived health status aspect, the self-evaluation from the research target on his/her health status shows a result in between “the same as others” and “a little bit better”. In addition, there was an obvious positive relationship between self-perceived health status and health-promotional life style. 3. In the health concept aspect, the peaceful and happy health concept had the highest score, the next were in descending order as follows: role functionality, adaptation, and clinical nature had the lowest score; generally speaking, positive views on the health can be seen; furthermore, positive relationship can be seen among the self-perceived health status, health concept and its branch concept of the research target. 4. In the six aspects of health-promotional life style of the research target, they had the following descending order: pressure handling, health responsibility, interpersonal support, exercise and nutrition, and the self realization stands in the lowest position. Furthermore, self-perceived health status, health concept, number of children and age were factors that can effectively predict health-promotional life style, the variance to explain health-promotional life style was 38.5%; among them, the self-perceived health status had the highest predictive power.
國營事業員工, 自覺健康狀況, 健康概念, 健康促進生活型態, employees in certain government’s organization, self-perceived health status, health concept, health-promotional life style