
dc.contributorRu-ping, Huen_US
dc.contributor.authorYu-chaio, Wangen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討臺北縣高職輪調式建教合作班學生的職業價值觀現況,並探究不同個人背景因素與職業價值觀之關係與差異情形。透過文獻分析的結果,以「性別」、「年級」、「科別」、「上學期學業成績」、「未來進路規劃」等背景變項,及選用吳鐵雄等編製的「工作價值觀量表」進行問卷調查。本研究採立意取樣的抽樣方式,針對98學年度第二學期臺北縣參加高職輪調式建教合作班一、三年級的學生進行問卷發放,獲得有效回收問卷814份。所得資料以「次數分配」、「百分比」、「平均數」及「標準差」等描述性統計做分析,並以「獨立樣本T檢定」、「單因子變異數分析」與「Scheffe法」、「Tukey法」、「LSD法」、「Tam hane's T2檢定法」、「Dunnett′s T3檢定法」、「Games-Howell檢定法」進行事後比較,歸納獲得主要結論如下: 一、臺北縣輪調式建教合作班學生對職業價值觀,有很高的重視程度,並且具有相當正向的積極態度。 二、臺北縣輪調式建教合作班學生最重視的是「組織安全與經濟」取向,最不重視的是「自我實現」取向。 三、臺北縣輪調式建教合作班學生比較重視「工具性價值」,顯示學生比較看重屬於外顯方面的價值。 四、不同「性別」之學生的職業價值觀並無顯著差異存在。 五、不同「年級」之學生的職業價值觀並無顯著差異存在。 六、不同「科別」之學生的職業價值觀並無顯著差異。僅在「目的性價值領域」中達到顯著水準。事後比較結果得到「電影電視科」學生的重視程度高於「資訊科」學生。 七、不同「未來進路規劃」之學生的職業價值觀並無顯著差異。僅在「目的性價值領域」中達到顯著水準。事後比較結果得到選擇「升學」與「就業」的學生重視的程度高於選擇「尚未決定」的學生。 八、臺北縣高職輪調式建教合作班學生的職業價值觀因上學期學業成績之不同而有顯著差異。差異情形為上學期學業成績「80~89分」的學生重視的程度高於「60~69分」的學生。 最後根據研究結論對教育主管機關、學校、企業經營者與後續研究者提出具體之建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purposes of this study are to analyze the occupational values of senior vocational school students who are in the alternative cooperative education program in Taipei County, and the relationship between personal background factors and occupational values. Based on the analized results of the related papers, gender, years in the school, major, academic score from the first semester and blueprint for the future career have been selected as the background variables in this study. Besides, Work Value Inventory, established by Tieh-Hsiung Wu et al., was used in the questionnaire. Subjects in this study were selected by purposive sampling method. The selected subjects, who were students currently in the senior vocational school with alternative cooperative education program in Taipei County, in their second semester of the 1st or 3rd year, were asked to complete questionnaires. There are 814 valid questionnaires have been identified after questionnaires were returned. Information obtained from questionnaires are analyzed by descriptive statistics, including “frequency distribution”, “percentage”, “average”, and “standard deviation”. Data analysis was later conducted by “Independent sample T test” and “ANOVA analysis”, followed by some data comparison methods such as “Scheffé's method”, “Tukey method”, “LSD method”, “Tamhane's T2 test method”, “Dunnett's T3 test method”, and “Games-Howell test method”. Primary findings of this study are listed as follow: 1.The students who study in the alternative senior vocational school in Taipei County, were found to be had highly degree in occupational values, and had highly positive attitudes. 2.The students who study in the alternative senior vocational school in Taipei County are most emphasized in domain of organizational security and economy, but less focus on the domain of self-realization. 3.The students who study in the alternative senior vocational school in Taipei County focus more on instrumental value. This could implicate that the students tended to emphasize on the explicit value of occupation. 4.No significant difference in the occupational values was observed between female and male students. 5.No significant difference in the occupational values was observed between students in the different years of the alternative senior vocational school in Taipei County. 6.No significant difference in the occupational values was observed between students with different majors. The difference in area of intrinsic value was found between students with different majors. Students major in film and theater emphasized more on the “area of intrinsic value” than those major in computer-science. 7.No significant difference in the occupational values was observed between students with different blueprints for the future. The difference in area of intrinsic value was found between students with different future plans. Students who wanted to study in higher education or seek for a job after graduating from the school, focused more on the area of intrinsic value than those who haven’t any plan for their future. 8.The significant difference in the occupational values was observed between students with different academic scores in their first semester. The students with an academic score from 80 to 89 emphasized more on the occupational values than those with the academic score from 60 to 69. According to the findings and conclusions of this study, the related suggestions would be proposed to education institutions, schools, enterprise superintendents and the follow-up researchers.en_US
dc.subjectSenior Vocational Schoolen_US
dc.subjectAlternative Cooperative Education Programen_US
dc.subjectVocational Valuesen_US
dc.titleA Study on Occupational Values of Senior Vocational School Students in Alternative Cooperative Education Program - Take Taipei County for Exampleen_US

