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背景:游泳是一項個人與時間競賽的運動,而接力賽又是展現各國水平的重要賽事之一,而在游泳接力規則裡有關接跳時間是允許-0.03秒的落差,如何以最有效率地縮短接跳時間,並透過技術分析增長跳水距離,將是本研究所要探討的內容。 目的:本文希望透過運動學的參數將踏併步擺臂此項技術做進一步的效益分析,讓此項技術能對高中層級的男子選手有最直接的回饋。 實驗設計:本研究是以8位男子高中選手做兩種出發動作,第一種是以選手個人所使用之接力出發方式,第二種以本研究之踏併步擺臂式出發並記錄1.離台時間;2.空中飛程;3.第一點入水距離,以JVC高速攝影機(300Hz)拍攝並配合KWON 3D 5.1影片分析軟體做兩種不同出發動作的分析,同時配合電子計時板及跳台輸出之資料作為反應離台時間的資料來源,最後以SPSS 20.0統計分析踏併步擺臂式接跳動作與個人所使用之出發動作進行比較。 結果:本研究所探討之踏併步擺臂式出發動作除在水平速度與個人出發跳水動作比較未達顯著差異外,在第一點入水距離、離台時間、重心離台高度、重心垂直速度均達顯著差異,根據本研究之結果建議教練在平時就將此技術納入平常的練習,相信能提升高中層級的男子選手在游泳接力賽上的成績表現。
Background: Swimming is a time competing sport, and relay events is one of the most important indications showing the developing level of this sport between different countries. There is -0.03 seconds tolerance for reaction time in rules for relay events, so the main focus of this study is to shorten reaction time efficiently and increase start distance with the help of technical analysis. Purpose: This study is aiming to analyze the advantage of Tread and Swing Arm from kinematic parameters, so the swimmers in high school level can have the most direct feedback by applying this skill. Experimental design: There are 8 high school swimmer performing two kinds of start in relay, one is his personal start in relay and the other is Tread and Swing Arm, and 1.The reaction time; 2.The flying distance in air; 3.The contacting water distance are recorded by JVC high speed camera (300Hz) for two kinds of start respectively and analyzed by software KWON 3D 5.1 for further data. Data resources also include the reaction time calculated by electronic timing pad and the output data recorded from start blocks except the recorded videos. The results comparison between personal start and Tread and Swing Arm is later on generated by statistical analysis software SPSS 20.0. Results: This study shows substantial difference between personal start and Tread and Swing Arm in the contacting water distance、reaction time、height of center of body from start blocks、vertical speed, and only the horizontal speed is slightly different. As a result, it is advised for coaches to apply this skill into daily regular training to improve the performance in the reaction time of relay events for high school level swimmers.



踏併步擺臂式出發, 離台時間, 入水距離, 空中飛程, Tread and Swing Arm, the reaction time, the flying distance in air, the contacting water distance





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