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本研究目的在探討獨居老人健康促進生活型態及其相關因素。以臺北市萬華區列冊的獨居老人為研究對象,共獲得有效問卷292份,研究工具包括個人屬性資料、自覺健康狀況量表及健康促進生活型態量表。研究結果如下: 一、研究對象的自覺健康狀況分數介於中等以上,在健康促進生活型態構面中,以營養得分最高,其餘依次為自我實現、壓力管理、人際支持、運動行為及健康責任,其中以健康責任的得分最低。 二、研究對象的自覺健康狀況與健康促進生活型態呈正相關。 三、研究對象之顯著預測變項是社會人口學變項中的年齡、婚姻狀況、經濟狀況、子女數及自覺健康狀況等五項,共可解釋健康促進生活型態總變異量的29.3%。 本研究建議社政、衛政等工作人員在推展相關政策上,應依照獨居老人個別性之健康需求,提供多元化的資源整合服務,期望促進獨居老人健康狀況及提升其生活品質。 關鍵字:獨居老人、健康促進生活型態、自覺健康狀況。
The elderly living alone health promoting lifestyles –A case study of Wanhua district Taipei city Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the health-promoting life style and related factors among community-dwelling elderly people. 292 effective survey data were collected from dwelling elderly people who live in Wanhua district in Taipei City. Several research tools were used in this study including demographic variables questionnaire, self-perceived health status scale and health-promoting lifestyle profile. The results are as following: 1.In the perspective of health-promoting lifestyle among those research targets, nutrition scored the highest then followed by spiritual growth, stress management, interpersonal relations, physical activity, and health responsibility. The lowest score falls into the category of health responsibility indicates that those elderly people participated in this research have self-perceived health status of above average. 2.There is a positive correlation between self-perceived health status and health-promoting lifestyle. 3.The most prominent predictor variables are socio-demographic factors including age, marital status, financial status, and self-perceived health status. This can be used to explain a 28.9% of the variation in the health-promoting lifestyle. The result of this study suggests that healthcare and social service providers should offer various aspects of health-promoting resources to those dwelling elders based on the evaluation of their interpersonal needs in health, in order to improve their health and life quality. Keywords: elderly living alone , health-promoting lifestyle, and self-perceived health status.



獨居老人, 健康促進生活型態, 自覺健康狀況, elderly living alone, health-promoting lifestyle, self-perceived health status.





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