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二、 研究對象之行為意圖與自覺控制具有統計上之顯著相關;自覺控制與行為態度、主觀規範具有統計上之顯著相關;行為態度與主觀規範具有統計上之顯著相關。
三、 結構方程模型方面,模型配適度不佳,然而在信度以及因素負荷量上數值皆達到可接受之程度,故將來可針對飲用含糖飲料之行為意圖,進行新的模型探討,值得探討與修改的地方為自覺控制的部分。
五、 徑路分析上行為態度、自覺控制與行為意圖有統計上的顯著相 關。故將來在大學生含糖飲料或是其他族群之含糖飲料議題上,可優先考慮從行為態度以及自覺控制進行介入計劃之規劃。
The study is aim to explore Taiwan’s college students’s drinking sugar-sweetened beverages behavior intention and relevant factor. Taking the national college students as the population and using cross-sectional research and self-administered questionnaire, 255 valid ones were retrieved. After encoding the questionnaire, using ANOVA, structural equation model, descriptive statistics, statistical inference to propose criticism and exploration.The main results and recommendations are summarized as follows:1. The last week’s sugary drinking’ days which are under 3 days has lower behavioral intention than which are more than or equal to 3 days.2. The target’s behavior intention has statistically significant difference with perceived control behavioral. Perceived control behavioral has statistically significant difference with attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm. Attitude toward the behavior has statistically significant difference with subjective norm.3. Structural equation modeling’s aspect, the model fit indicator is not good enough. Although, reliability and factor loading are good enough. As a result, against sugary drinking’s behavior intention, That the aspect which need exploring new model, discussing and revising is worthwhile the perceived control.4. According to structural equation model, attitude toward the behavior and perceived control behavioral have greater path coefficient reaching a statistically significant relationship which have better prediction for intention.5. Attitude toward behavior, perceived behavioral control have reached statistically significant relationship in path analysis. As a result, considering from attitude toward behavior and perceived behavioral control to plan a intervention with the college students’s sugar-sweetened beverages drinking is priority in the future.
The study is aim to explore Taiwan’s college students’s drinking sugar-sweetened beverages behavior intention and relevant factor. Taking the national college students as the population and using cross-sectional research and self-administered questionnaire, 255 valid ones were retrieved. After encoding the questionnaire, using ANOVA, structural equation model, descriptive statistics, statistical inference to propose criticism and exploration.The main results and recommendations are summarized as follows:1. The last week’s sugary drinking’ days which are under 3 days has lower behavioral intention than which are more than or equal to 3 days.2. The target’s behavior intention has statistically significant difference with perceived control behavioral. Perceived control behavioral has statistically significant difference with attitude toward the behavior, subjective norm. Attitude toward the behavior has statistically significant difference with subjective norm.3. Structural equation modeling’s aspect, the model fit indicator is not good enough. Although, reliability and factor loading are good enough. As a result, against sugary drinking’s behavior intention, That the aspect which need exploring new model, discussing and revising is worthwhile the perceived control.4. According to structural equation model, attitude toward the behavior and perceived control behavioral have greater path coefficient reaching a statistically significant relationship which have better prediction for intention.5. Attitude toward behavior, perceived behavioral control have reached statistically significant relationship in path analysis. As a result, considering from attitude toward behavior and perceived behavioral control to plan a intervention with the college students’s sugar-sweetened beverages drinking is priority in the future.
含糖飲料, 行為意圖, 結構方程模型, 大學生, sugar-sweetened beverages, behavioral intention, structural equation model, College students