

The purpose of this study was to investigate the professional abilities of the teachers who teach recreational education to the junior high students in the special school for with intellectual deficiency, and to analyze the differences on the degree of importance and readiness of the professional abilities among teachers with different demographic background. One hundred and ten questionnaires were sent to 12 special schools, and 103 effective were questionnaire retrieved. The return rate was 93.6%. Questionnaire included personal information and questions of professional abilities. Descriptive statistics, One-way ANOVA and Turkey method were used to analyzed the data. The results were as follows: (1) There were 75 classes, 131 teachers who taught recreational education courses in junior high at 12 school special schools for students with intellectual deficiency. Among them, 4 schools adopted courses classified teaching. The highest educational background of 59 teachers, 57.28% of 131 teachers, was special education. (2) Sixty-two items of professional abilities were regarded as important, while 42 items were regarded as qualified. (3) Female teacher's professional abilities were superior to male teachers on the degree of importance and readiness; the professional abilities of teachers with working 16-20 years were superior to other teachers. (4) The discrepancy of importance and readiness among teachers’ different ages and different positions were not significantly different. (5) Among the adopted courses classified teaching teachers, readiness of physical education teachers was lower than others; adopted courses classified teaching teachers’ professional readiness was averagely higher than other teachers.



啟智類特殊教育學校, 專業能力, 休閒教育, special school for students with intellectual deficiency, professional ability, recreational education





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