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本研究旨在探討華人地區小學校長正向領導、學習文化與學校創新經營效能 之現況和相關情形,以及小學校長正向領導、學習文化對學校創新經營效能的影 響。為達成上述目的,本研究採用文獻分析、問卷調查、焦點團體座談及訪談的 方法,研究者自編「小學校長正向領導、學習文化與學校創新經營效能調查問卷」 乙種,並採半結構方式進行訪談,最後綜合研究結果提出結論與建議,作為改進 小學校長正向領導、營造學習文化以提高學校創新經營效能之參考。 本研究之問卷調查對象為臺北市、上海市、香港地區之公私立小學校長、主 任、組長及教師,研究取樣採多階段抽樣方式,依三地區學校校數及學校規模進 行抽樣,資料採用SPSS13.0 版及LISREL 套裝軟體進行統計分析。 本研究目的,分述如下: 一、探討正向領導、學習文化與學校創新經營效能之理論基礎與相關研究。 二、瞭解小學校長正向領導、學習文化與學校創新經營效能之現況及其差異情形。 三、分析小學校長正向領導、學習文化與學校創新經營效能之相關情形。 四、探討小學校長正向領導與學習文化對學校創新經營效能影響是否有交互作用 存在? 五、探究小學校長正向領導、學習文化各層面對學校創新經營效能的影響力。 六、驗證小學正向領導與學習文化影響學校創新經營效能的關係模型。 七、根據研究結果,提出具體建議,供小學校長改進正向領導、營造學習文化, 以提高學校創新經營效能之參考。
The Impact of Elementary School Principals’ Positive Leadership andLearning Culture on School Innovation Management Effectiveness in Chinese Region –Taking Taipei City, Shanghai City, Hong-Kong Area for Example Abstract The main purpose of this study is to explore the situation, correlation and impact of elementary school principals’positive leadership, learning culture and school innovation management effectiveness in chinese region . In order to reach the above-mentioned purposes , the study adopts the literature analysis, questionnaire survey, focus group and interview. The researchers design “ Thequestionnaire of elementary school principals’positive leadership, learning culture and school innovation management effectiveness’’, and adopt semi-structured interview. Participants of the questionnaire survey are included principals, directors, team-leaders, and teachers in the public and private elementary schools which are Taipei City, Shanghai City, Hong-Kong Area. Taking sampls is to adopt multistage sampling according to school numbers and scales in the three areas. The researchers take SPSS forWindow13.0 and LISREL to process statistical analysis. The purposes of this study are as follows: 1. To explore the theoretical foundation and relative studies of positive leadership, learning culture and school innovation management effectiveness. 2. To realize the situation and their differences of elementary school principals’positive leadership, learning culture and school innovation management effectiveness. 3. To analyze the correlation of elementary school principals’ positive leadership, learning culture and school innovation management effectiveness. 4. To research elementary school principals’ positive leadership and learning culture toward school innovation management effectiveness if there are interactions. 5. To find out the impact made by various levels of elementary school principals’ positive leadership, learning culture toward school innovation management effectiveness. 6. To confirm the relative model of elementary school principals’ positive leadership and learning culture which affect school innovation management effectiveness. 7. According to the study result, the researchers provide concrete suggestions for elementary school principals to improve their positive leadership, construct learning culture and enhance school innovation management effectiveness for reference.
The Impact of Elementary School Principals’ Positive Leadership andLearning Culture on School Innovation Management Effectiveness in Chinese Region –Taking Taipei City, Shanghai City, Hong-Kong Area for Example Abstract The main purpose of this study is to explore the situation, correlation and impact of elementary school principals’positive leadership, learning culture and school innovation management effectiveness in chinese region . In order to reach the above-mentioned purposes , the study adopts the literature analysis, questionnaire survey, focus group and interview. The researchers design “ Thequestionnaire of elementary school principals’positive leadership, learning culture and school innovation management effectiveness’’, and adopt semi-structured interview. Participants of the questionnaire survey are included principals, directors, team-leaders, and teachers in the public and private elementary schools which are Taipei City, Shanghai City, Hong-Kong Area. Taking sampls is to adopt multistage sampling according to school numbers and scales in the three areas. The researchers take SPSS forWindow13.0 and LISREL to process statistical analysis. The purposes of this study are as follows: 1. To explore the theoretical foundation and relative studies of positive leadership, learning culture and school innovation management effectiveness. 2. To realize the situation and their differences of elementary school principals’positive leadership, learning culture and school innovation management effectiveness. 3. To analyze the correlation of elementary school principals’ positive leadership, learning culture and school innovation management effectiveness. 4. To research elementary school principals’ positive leadership and learning culture toward school innovation management effectiveness if there are interactions. 5. To find out the impact made by various levels of elementary school principals’ positive leadership, learning culture toward school innovation management effectiveness. 6. To confirm the relative model of elementary school principals’ positive leadership and learning culture which affect school innovation management effectiveness. 7. According to the study result, the researchers provide concrete suggestions for elementary school principals to improve their positive leadership, construct learning culture and enhance school innovation management effectiveness for reference.