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According to the view points about time discussed in academic fields, the main idea of this research is trying to shape the outlines of time and apply the various results to the design of timekeepers. The discipline of document selecting is based on the arguments which describe the 「concrete shape」-outline, figure and dormant image of time. Due to the selective limits above, science、aesthetic and botany are chosen to be the three major parts discussed in this research. Besides, aesthetics is influenced by psychology and philosophy; the two behind are chosen to be the minor discussions. To present more possible shapes of time, this kind of research tends to discuss diverse opinions and pile them up. Through documentary research, the shape of time could be lines, dots, cones, springs and slices. Analyses are described below: 1. According to scientific theories, the shape of time could be lines、dots springs. If the adherence character of space-time is considered, time can be formed when space is transformed by gravity; therefore, the shape of time could be like cones. 2. The resetting space-time skill of objects in Surrealism makes time and space folds illogically. The implication means that when time is chopped and separated into different pieces and so is the correlative space. Accordingly, time and space could be rearranged to anarchy pieces. 3. Deleting and blurring the outline of an object to represent speedy figures of a movement is one skill of futurism to express a duration. In a speedy condition, a blur or an unshaped outline could represent the shape of passing time. Besides, influenced by photography, the skill that arrays pictures of a movement, one by one, displays the process of transformations. And that also means the array shows a complete duration of a movement. 4. In the growing order of plants, the leaves of spiral phyllotaxy were found that the angle between the first and the second leaf followed the golden ratio numbers. Hence, the spiral angles with golden numbers could be the shape of time of the nature world. 5. Extending the line parts in golden ratio that can get a regular pentagon which can be parted in many geometric shapes with golden ratio. A regular pentagon which has a continuous self-alike character can be the shape of time.
According to the view points about time discussed in academic fields, the main idea of this research is trying to shape the outlines of time and apply the various results to the design of timekeepers. The discipline of document selecting is based on the arguments which describe the 「concrete shape」-outline, figure and dormant image of time. Due to the selective limits above, science、aesthetic and botany are chosen to be the three major parts discussed in this research. Besides, aesthetics is influenced by psychology and philosophy; the two behind are chosen to be the minor discussions. To present more possible shapes of time, this kind of research tends to discuss diverse opinions and pile them up. Through documentary research, the shape of time could be lines, dots, cones, springs and slices. Analyses are described below: 1. According to scientific theories, the shape of time could be lines、dots springs. If the adherence character of space-time is considered, time can be formed when space is transformed by gravity; therefore, the shape of time could be like cones. 2. The resetting space-time skill of objects in Surrealism makes time and space folds illogically. The implication means that when time is chopped and separated into different pieces and so is the correlative space. Accordingly, time and space could be rearranged to anarchy pieces. 3. Deleting and blurring the outline of an object to represent speedy figures of a movement is one skill of futurism to express a duration. In a speedy condition, a blur or an unshaped outline could represent the shape of passing time. Besides, influenced by photography, the skill that arrays pictures of a movement, one by one, displays the process of transformations. And that also means the array shows a complete duration of a movement. 4. In the growing order of plants, the leaves of spiral phyllotaxy were found that the angle between the first and the second leaf followed the golden ratio numbers. Hence, the spiral angles with golden numbers could be the shape of time of the nature world. 5. Extending the line parts in golden ratio that can get a regular pentagon which can be parted in many geometric shapes with golden ratio. A regular pentagon which has a continuous self-alike character can be the shape of time.
時間, 形狀, 科學, 超現實主義, 未來主義, 黃金比例, 葉序, time, shape, science, surrealism, futurism, golden ratio, phyllotaxy