
dc.contributorChiou, Haw-Jengen_US
dc.contributor.authorLin, Mei-Lingen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來電子商務的興起,物流產業隨著蓬勃發展,員工的工作滿意度可能受到公司制度與政策的影響,也可能存在部門的差異。本研究基於二因子理論及需求層級理論,探討影響員工對公司滿意度的因素,同時對於公司的規定政策、規定與制度的改變對員工的滿意度影響進行探究。 本研究的個案為台灣S速運公司,為因應業務的需求,該公司進行改善各項管理規章、軟硬設施、舉辦各類活動及依各職務制訂薪酬方案,很值得做為探討員工滿意的對象。針對台灣S速運公司1,640名員工的問卷調查得到的1,309份有效樣本,另以員工關懷訪談意見反饋及工作環境分析等方式收集員工意見以做為本研究資料。問卷調查主要從組織視角及員工視角來觀察,影響員工滿度的各種構面,如組織、工作、發展、回報、氛圍等,再分別細分成各種維度,如客戶導向、文化價值、戰略與領導力、變革管理、創新、工作本身、運營效率、學習與發展、薪酬與績效、認可、溝通、團隊合作、直屬上級、安全等並進行不同部門的比較。 經過分析發現,造成員工不滿意有下列四個因素:第一、薪資福利:員工對於薪酬福利感到不滿,不單純是工資多寡的問題,而是因內外部比較而產生的不公平、是否依令規範是設計薪酬制度等都是響員工滿意的重大因素。第二、獎勵及認可:員工希望被了解及尊重,感受存在主管的心中、受到獎勵;第三、團隊合作:員工希望工作溝通是暢通的,可以互相獲得支持與協;第四、變革管理與創新:員工希望創新想法可以獲得支持,工作方向是有效且穩定的。不滿意的因素會因不同部門、人員屬性或者用工模式....等會有差異,例如:職能部門為薪酬福利,而經營管理部門為獎勵及認可、變革管理與創新。 本研究發現,根據二因子理論的觀點,保健因子基本上是員工基本的需求,當員工產生不滿足時,會導對公司不滿,因此公司能重視員工薪酬福利不滿足的原因以預防員工產不滿意;而獎勵及認可、團隊合作、變革管理與創新等屬於激勵因子,運用管理的手法,即時給予反饋,以達激勵效果。根據需求層級理論觀點,依不同需求層次給薪資福利策略及生涯發展規劃採取個別差異化制度方案,以滿足不同員工的需求;再者,主管應主動關懷員工並適時分享組織未來的發展方向,即時獎勵及支持員工創新想法,營造支持性工作環境;最後是新政策實施時,給予員工充分的宣導及說明。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the rise of e-commerce in recent years, the logistics industry has flourished. Employee job satisfaction may be influenced by the company systems and policies, as well as by the departmental differences. Based on the two-factor theory and the Maslow's hierarchy of needs, this study investigates the factors that affect employees' satisfaction with the company, and also investigates the effects of changes in the company's policies, regulations and systems on employees' satisfaction. S Express in Taiwan is the case of this study. In order to meet the business needs, the company has improved various management rules, software and hardware facilities, organized different kinds of activities, and developed a salary plan based on each position, so S Express in Taiwan is worthy of being the target of investigation concerning employee satisfaction. In addition to the 1,309 valid samples obtained from a questionnaire survey of 1,640 employees at S Express in Taiwan, employee opinions were collected through the employee care interview feedback and work environment analysis for this study. The questionnaire survey focuses on various dimensions that affect employee satisfaction, such as organization, work, development, reward, and atmosphere, from both organizational and employee perspectives, and then subdivides them into various aspects, such as customer orientation, cultural values, strategy and leadership, change management, innovation, the work itself, operational efficiency, learning and development, compensation and performance, recognition, communication, teamwork, direct supervisors, and safety, and compares them across different departments. The following four factors are found to cause employee dissatisfaction after analyzing: First, Salary and Benefits: Employees are dissatisfied with the salary and benefits, not only the amount of wages, but also the unfairness caused by internal and external comparisons, and whether the salary system is designed according to the regulations are major factors that affect employee satisfaction. Second, Reward and Recognition: Employees want to be understood and respected, they want to feel the presence in the mind of the supervisor and to be recognized and rewarded; Third, Teamwork: Employees want to have smooth communication, mutual support and cooperation at work; Fourth, Change Management and Innovation: Employees want to be supported with innovative ideas and work in an effective and stable direction. Dissatisfaction factors will vary depending on different departments, staff attributes or employment patterns.... For example, compensation and benefits are adopted for the functional departments, whereas reward and recognition, change management and innovation are used for the management departments. It is found that, according to the two-factor theory, the health care factor is essentially the basic needs for the employees, which will lead to dissatisfaction with the company when the employees are not satisfied. Therefore, the company can pay attention to the causes of unsatisfied compensation and benefits to prevent the employees from being dissatisfied; while rewards and recognition, teamwork, change management and innovation are the motivation factors, which can offer immediate feedback by using management techniques to achieve the motivation effect. According to the viewpoint of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the salary and benefit strategy and career development plan should be differentiated according to different demand levels to meet the needs of different employees; furthermore, supervisors should take the initiative to care for employees and share the future development direction in the organization, immediately reward and support employees' innovative ideas, and create a supportive work environment; finally, when new policies are implemented, employees should be given sufficient information and explanations.en_US
dc.titleStudy on the relationship between employee satisfaction in the logistics industry from the perspective of motivation-A case study of S express companyen_US

