TD-RRT* 的實時路徑規劃設計並結合Catmull-Rom 插值的路徑平滑技術應用於非完整移動型機器人
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Path planning and trajectory planning are pivotal issues in the field of Robotics and more generally in the field of Automation. Thus, it plays a significant role in robotics for safer and faster working times with accuracy and precision, but at the same time harmless for the robot in terms of avoiding the obstacle. In this thesis, we will look at various methods of route planning that are efficient in finding a safe path for the mobile robot to move from a starting location to a destination position without colliding with obstacles. This suggested thesis addresses two distinct objectives: path safety and path length, and the recommended path must be optimum.The path planning problem is now one of the most explored subjects in autonomous robots. As a result, establishing a safe path for a mobile robot in a confined environment is a critical prerequisite for the success of any such mobile robot project.We try to formulate the two algorithms with a new method to attain efficient results using triangle decomposition to find a best suited path for the robot which is cost effective and efficient too. Path planning involves using performance criterion such as distance, time, and energy consumption to establish a collision-free path between the ‘start’ and ‘destination’ positions. Depending on whether or not the environment is known, there are two types of path planning algorithms: local and global path planning.In this thesis a new version of algorithm named Triangular Decomposition based Rapidly Exploring Random Trees (TD-RRT*) is proposed to make the path shorter and to be precise optimal and it also enhances the capability of mobile robots to find paths in short span of time and make the path shorter to reduce the cost also. RRT*, is an asymptotically optimum variation of the Traditional (RRT) method which is incorporated in this thesis. The technique is based on incremental sampling, which covers the whole area and operates quickly. Furthermore, because this approach is computationally efficient, it may be applied in multidimensional environment .A method of dynamic re-planning using TD-RRT* is presented. The robot will rectify or modify its path when unknown random moving or static snag obstructs the path. Various experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method which is faster than the basic RRT*, and the smooth path with the shortest distance can be obtained which satisfies the non-holonomic constraint of mobile robots.
Path planning and trajectory planning are pivotal issues in the field of Robotics and more generally in the field of Automation. Thus, it plays a significant role in robotics for safer and faster working times with accuracy and precision, but at the same time harmless for the robot in terms of avoiding the obstacle. In this thesis, we will look at various methods of route planning that are efficient in finding a safe path for the mobile robot to move from a starting location to a destination position without colliding with obstacles. This suggested thesis addresses two distinct objectives: path safety and path length, and the recommended path must be optimum.The path planning problem is now one of the most explored subjects in autonomous robots. As a result, establishing a safe path for a mobile robot in a confined environment is a critical prerequisite for the success of any such mobile robot project.We try to formulate the two algorithms with a new method to attain efficient results using triangle decomposition to find a best suited path for the robot which is cost effective and efficient too. Path planning involves using performance criterion such as distance, time, and energy consumption to establish a collision-free path between the ‘start’ and ‘destination’ positions. Depending on whether or not the environment is known, there are two types of path planning algorithms: local and global path planning.In this thesis a new version of algorithm named Triangular Decomposition based Rapidly Exploring Random Trees (TD-RRT*) is proposed to make the path shorter and to be precise optimal and it also enhances the capability of mobile robots to find paths in short span of time and make the path shorter to reduce the cost also. RRT*, is an asymptotically optimum variation of the Traditional (RRT) method which is incorporated in this thesis. The technique is based on incremental sampling, which covers the whole area and operates quickly. Furthermore, because this approach is computationally efficient, it may be applied in multidimensional environment .A method of dynamic re-planning using TD-RRT* is presented. The robot will rectify or modify its path when unknown random moving or static snag obstructs the path. Various experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method which is faster than the basic RRT*, and the smooth path with the shortest distance can be obtained which satisfies the non-holonomic constraint of mobile robots.
路徑規劃, 非完整约束移動型機器人, Path Planning, Non-Holonomic Mobile Robot, TD-RRT*, RRT*