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Office of Research and Development
Office of Research and Development
本研究發展並效化「科學態度測驗」(SAT)用以探索我國中等學校職前生物教師之科學態度素養發展狀況。SAT的發展,是以經鑑別之「科學態度組成因素表」為命題之概念依據;初稿完成後,經修訂、試訂、再修訂後,進行施測和效化分析。 研究結果顯示,SAT「內部均質性信度」(以Cronbach α表示)為0.69,「穩定係數」為0.78。SAT分數與TOSA及BISI分數之間的相關分別為0.84和0.60,「同時效度」與「概念效度」的考驗結果均十分滿意。資料分析顯示SAT為一適切、可信、可靠的生物教師科學態度屬性的評鑑工具。 全體樣本SAT分數的平均數為31.71,標準差為4.36。四個年級樣本SAT分數之間的差易經變異數分析的結果,顯示並無顯著差異存在;而事後比較(Duncan方法)的結果則顯示,三年級樣本的SAT得分顯著高於一年級(P<0.05)
In this study, the Scientific Attitude Test (SAT) was developed and validated. The con-struction of the items was based upon an identified list of scientific attitude components. The instrument was pilot-tried, revised, and finally validated through exploring the possession of scientific attitudes by the students of the biology teacher education program. The analysis of data indicated that the internal consistency reliability of the SAT scores was 0.69, a moderate value which is similar to those reported in the literature. The stability coefficient was 0.78. The correlations between SAT and TOSA and BISI scores were 0.84 and 0.60 respectively. Further data analysis provided relatively satisfactory support of the concur-rent and consturct validity of the SAT. The mean and the standard deviation of the SAT scores for the entire subjects were 31.71 and 4.36. There were no statistically significant differences in SAT scores among the four grade levels in the analysis of variance. However, it was found that the juniors scored signifi-cantly higher in SAT than the freshmen (p<0.05) when further comparisons between each pair of means were made.
In this study, the Scientific Attitude Test (SAT) was developed and validated. The con-struction of the items was based upon an identified list of scientific attitude components. The instrument was pilot-tried, revised, and finally validated through exploring the possession of scientific attitudes by the students of the biology teacher education program. The analysis of data indicated that the internal consistency reliability of the SAT scores was 0.69, a moderate value which is similar to those reported in the literature. The stability coefficient was 0.78. The correlations between SAT and TOSA and BISI scores were 0.84 and 0.60 respectively. Further data analysis provided relatively satisfactory support of the concur-rent and consturct validity of the SAT. The mean and the standard deviation of the SAT scores for the entire subjects were 31.71 and 4.36. There were no statistically significant differences in SAT scores among the four grade levels in the analysis of variance. However, it was found that the juniors scored signifi-cantly higher in SAT than the freshmen (p<0.05) when further comparisons between each pair of means were made.