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近年來華語文學習在全球形成一股熱潮,越來越多的母語非華語的人開始學習華語文,而為了將語言學習實際應用在真實生活中,實境學習的教學方式逐漸被探討,但多數研究主要偏重於關注實境學習的設計與進行,對於課堂教學融入的效果較少探討。 然而課堂教學仍有其重要性,因此本研究以前階組織導入課堂教學,結合行動輔助華語實境學習的教學課程,關注不同學習經驗的學習者,在學習成效與動機的改變。期望課堂教學與實境學習相輔相成,在正規課程外輔助學習,並讓教學走出教室,使學生能夠在生活情境中進行學習,並實際應用課堂所學的新知,與原有經驗進行結合,達成有意義的學習。 研究對象為在臺灣求學或工作的外籍人士,共13位,進行3小時的華語教學課程,並以課堂與學習活動的直接觀察和課後訪談收及質性資料,同時使用學習動機量表、華語文成就測驗收集量化資料,進行描述性統計與質性資料的結果進行比對,藉此了解不同學習經驗的學生,其學習動機、學習成效和學習情形。 研究結果顯示,以前階組織融合實境學習,能夠有助於將原有經驗和新知識結合,縮短不同學習經驗學習者的差距,同時有助於記憶及正確的應用華語,並增加信心,提升學習者的學習成效與動機。
In recent years, Chinese learning has become an emerging trend and more and more people have selected Chinese as their second language. The issue of learn in real life is discussed widely, but most studies only focus on the mobile learning or situated learning and less discussion of the traditional classroom lessons. However, the traditional classroom lessons still has its importance. Therefore, this study apply advance organizers theory to the traditional classroom lessons, and combine mixed-reality learning to study the effects of learners with different learning experiences on learning achievement and motivation . The subjects are 13 foreigners studying or working in Taiwan. With a 3 hours learning course, we collected qualitative data with direct observation in the classroom and interview after the course. Also collect quantitative data with learning motivation scale and Chinese comprehension test. Compared the result of descriptive statistics and qualitative data, to learn about the different learning experience for students in their learning motivation, learning achievement and learning situations. The result shows advance organizers theory in traditional classroom lessons combine the mixed-reality learning can connect learns' original experience and new knowledge, shorten the gap between different learning experience. Also helps learners remember and speak Chinese correctly, increase confidence and improve learning achievement and motivation.



華語文為第二語言教學, 學習經驗, 前階組織, 實境學習, teaching Chinese as second language, learning experience, advance organizers, mixed-reality game





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