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本研究為長期的縱貫研究,目的為探討哪些早期正向父母行為最能夠預測幼兒四歲時執行功能各面向的發展。為達此目的,本研究使用互動行為編碼系統(Coding Interactive Behavior,CIB)中父母量表內敏感性面向中的11項指標,來評估52位父母在其孩子六個月大時的正向父母行為程度,指標包括:父母跟隨、模仿、闡述孩子的訊號,以及父母共享式注意力、正向情感、聲音適宜、情感適宜、足智多謀、親密觸摸、支持性存在和風格一致,並根據父母在孩子四歲時所填寫的「繁體中文兒童執行功能量表」(Taiwanese Traditional Chinese Childhood Executive Functioning Inventory,簡稱TC-CHEXI)來評量孩子四歲時執行功能各面向的能力表現,包括:抑制、工作記憶和認知調控。研究結果發現,孩子六個月大時父母親密觸摸行為與孩子四歲時抑制表現分數有顯著負相關,表示孩子六個月時父母親密觸摸行為愈頻繁,則孩子四歲時的抑制能力愈好。另外,正向情感也分別與認知調控和整體執行功能表現分數有顯著的負相關,表示孩子六個月時父母正向情感程度越高,則孩子四歲時的認知調控和整體執行功能表現都愈好。後續迴歸分析也進一步指出,父母親密觸摸行為對孩子四歲時抑制表現有獨特的變異解釋量,且正向情感分別對於認知調控和整體執行功能表現有獨特的變異解釋量。
This study is a longitudinal study to explore which early positive parental behaviors can best predict the development of various aspects of executive function in children aged four years old. To achieve this purpose, this study used Coding Interactive Behavior (CIB) to analyze the positive parental behaviors of 52 parents when their children were six months old, including: Acknowledging, Imitating, Elaborating, Joint Attention, Positive Affect, Vocal Appropriateness, Appropriate Range of Affect, Resourcefulness, Affectionate Touch, Supportive Presence, Consistency of Style. And according to the “Taiwanese Traditional Chinese Childhood Executive Functioning Inventory” (TC-CHEXI) filled out by parents when their children were four years old to assess children's ability to perform various aspects of executive function, including: inhibition, working memory and cognitive regulation. The results of the study found that there was a significant negative correlation between parental affectionate touch and children's inhibition at four years old, indicating that the more frequent the parent's affectionate touch behavior at the age of six months, the better the child's inhibition at the age of four. In addition, positive affect was significantly negativelycorrelated with both cognitive regulation and overall executive function performance, indicating that the higher the parental positive affect level when the child is six months old, the better the child's cognitive regulation and overall executive function performance at the age of four. Further regression analysis also pointed out that parental affectionate touch behavior explains a unique variance in children's inhibition at the age of four, and positive affect explains a unique variance in cognitive regulation and overall executive function performance.
This study is a longitudinal study to explore which early positive parental behaviors can best predict the development of various aspects of executive function in children aged four years old. To achieve this purpose, this study used Coding Interactive Behavior (CIB) to analyze the positive parental behaviors of 52 parents when their children were six months old, including: Acknowledging, Imitating, Elaborating, Joint Attention, Positive Affect, Vocal Appropriateness, Appropriate Range of Affect, Resourcefulness, Affectionate Touch, Supportive Presence, Consistency of Style. And according to the “Taiwanese Traditional Chinese Childhood Executive Functioning Inventory” (TC-CHEXI) filled out by parents when their children were four years old to assess children's ability to perform various aspects of executive function, including: inhibition, working memory and cognitive regulation. The results of the study found that there was a significant negative correlation between parental affectionate touch and children's inhibition at four years old, indicating that the more frequent the parent's affectionate touch behavior at the age of six months, the better the child's inhibition at the age of four. In addition, positive affect was significantly negativelycorrelated with both cognitive regulation and overall executive function performance, indicating that the higher the parental positive affect level when the child is six months old, the better the child's cognitive regulation and overall executive function performance at the age of four. Further regression analysis also pointed out that parental affectionate touch behavior explains a unique variance in children's inhibition at the age of four, and positive affect explains a unique variance in cognitive regulation and overall executive function performance.
正向父母行為, 執行功能, positive parental behavior, executive function, CIB