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本研究以臺北市內湖國中學生為研究對象,探究國中生社會人口變項、人格特質與事故傷害預防知識等因素對事故傷害傾向之影響。主要研究工具為研究者自編之「校園事故傷害預防知識測驗」,以及艾氏少年人格量表。統計該校九十五學年度七、八年級學生事故傷害次數,依據次數多寡將學生區分為高、低事故組,再分別針對不同事故組別學生抽樣施測,共計回收問卷資料356份。所得資料回收後,以描述性統計、卡方考驗、獨立樣本 t 考驗、邏輯斯複迴歸分析進行資料處理及考驗相關假設。研究結果發現:
This report was to study effects of intervention for accident-proneness on junior high school students in light of their individual personality and accident prevention knowledge. Participants of this research were from Neihu Junior High school in Grade 7 and 8. The applied research instruments were a self-developed questionnaire “Accident Prevention Knowledge” and “Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire.” The subjects were firstly divided into two groups, high and low accident proneness, according to their statistic results of the frequency of school accidents, followed by a sampling questionnaire survey. The total number of valid subjects was 356. The collected data in the study was processed and analyzed by statistical methods, including descriptive statistics, Chi-square, t-test, logistic regression analysis, and so on. The results of the study were: 1. The intervention was significantly proved in “grade” “gender” “academic performance” “school club inclination” “extrovert personality” “social expectation”and “accident prevention knowledge”. However, “first-aid training experience” “family social status”, “the neuroticism” and “the psychotics” were non-significant. 2. The study showed the intervention of “grade”, “gender” “extrovert traits of personality” and “ social expectation” had predictive validity toward accident proneness. Last but not least, the suggestions for further study were raised in the end of the report.
This report was to study effects of intervention for accident-proneness on junior high school students in light of their individual personality and accident prevention knowledge. Participants of this research were from Neihu Junior High school in Grade 7 and 8. The applied research instruments were a self-developed questionnaire “Accident Prevention Knowledge” and “Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire.” The subjects were firstly divided into two groups, high and low accident proneness, according to their statistic results of the frequency of school accidents, followed by a sampling questionnaire survey. The total number of valid subjects was 356. The collected data in the study was processed and analyzed by statistical methods, including descriptive statistics, Chi-square, t-test, logistic regression analysis, and so on. The results of the study were: 1. The intervention was significantly proved in “grade” “gender” “academic performance” “school club inclination” “extrovert personality” “social expectation”and “accident prevention knowledge”. However, “first-aid training experience” “family social status”, “the neuroticism” and “the psychotics” were non-significant. 2. The study showed the intervention of “grade”, “gender” “extrovert traits of personality” and “ social expectation” had predictive validity toward accident proneness. Last but not least, the suggestions for further study were raised in the end of the report.
國中生, 校園事故傷害, 人格特質, 事故傷害預防知識, junior high school students, campus accidents, individual personality traits, accident prevention knowledge