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本研究主要探討「戶外冒險教育課程」對國中八年級學童學習動機與自我 效能之影響。以相關研究調查與教學現場觀察發現學生的學習動機逐漸下降, 對自我學習的意義不明,遇到困難容易放棄。故研究者希望藉由戶外冒險教育 課程,打破固有學習框架,提升學生的學習動機與自我效能。 透過研究者設計之戶外冒險教育登山課程,採準實驗研究設計,以研究者 任教之新竹市某國中八年級兩個班級為實驗組 (N = 48),另隨機選兩班為對照 組 (N = 52),共 100 人為研究對象。研究工具包括「學習動機量表」和「SEQ-C 青少年自我效能量表」。實驗組接受為期半年、三階段戶外冒險教育課程的實驗 設計,對照組則未接受任何實驗處理。研究結果採描述性統計、t 檢定、單因子 共變數、單因子變異數分析等量化資料呈現。 依據實驗結果,本研究之結論為戶外冒險教育課程在提升實驗組學生「學 習動機」與「目標導向」、「追求成功」層面上有顯著性的顯著效果,且對低學 業成就之學生影響較大;對「自我效能」有正向提升效果,且「情緒自我效能」 有延宕性顯著提升,故戶外冒險教育之自發性挑戰、全方位價值契約、賦權、 失衡、引導反思、成功經驗移轉等元素有助於提升學習動機與情緒自我效能。
This study focuses on the impact of the "outdoor adventure education curriculum" on the learning motivation and self-efficacy of eighth grade middle school students. According to relevant research investigations and teaching site observations, students’ learning motivations have gradually declined, and their purpose for self-learning are unclear. It is easy to give up when encountering difficulties. Therefore, the researcher hopes to alter the existing teaching-learning system and improve students’ motivation and self-efficacy through outdoor adventure education courses. Through the Outdoor Adventure Education Backpacking course designed by the researchers, the quasi-experimental research was designed. The research subjects were a total of 100 people, the experimental group (N = 48), and the control group (N = 52). The subjects were 4 classes from the 8th grade in Hsinchu City taught by the researcher. Research tools included "Learning Motivation Scale" and "SEQ-C Adolescent Self-Efficacy Scale". The experimental group accepted the experimental design of the six-month and three-stage outdoor adventure education courses, while the control group did not receive any experimental treatment. The results of the study were presented with quantitative data such as descriptive statistics, t-test, single-factor covariate, and single-factor variance analysis. Based on the experimental results, the conclusion of this study is that the outdoor adventure education curriculum has significant effects on enhancing the “learning motivation”, “goal-orientation”, and “successful pursuit” levels of the students in the experimental group, and has a greater impact on students with low academic achievement. The study also shows a positive effect on “self-efficacy”, and significant delay in “emotional self-efficacy”. Therefore, the different elements of outdoor adventure education: the “challenge by choice”, full value contract, empowerment, cognitive dissonance, guided reflection, transfer of successful experience, etc. help improve learning motivation and emotional self-efficacy.



冒險教育, 探索教育, 體驗教育, 登山課程, 學習動機, 自我效能, Outdoor Adventure education, Exploration education, Experience education, Backpacking courses, Learning motivation, Self-efficacy





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