

本研究主要探討:如何應用視覺設計建構地方特產品牌形象,俾利地方特產在市場上之行銷及宣傳,並以新竹縣新埔鎮客家柿餅作為實際案例,進行視覺形象設計與品牌之間的關聯性研究。 透過文獻的探討,本文歸納出「色彩」、「圖形」及「文字」為視覺傳遞的主要要素,進而提出視覺設計理論應用於地方特產品牌應達成:傳達商品訊息、建立品牌認知、刺激消費需求與宣傳地方文化等四項任務。研究結果則顯示:視覺設計在輔助塑造產品的品牌形象上,扮演著極為重要的角色,若能建立獨樹一格的地方特產品牌,將有利於產品的市場宣傳及行銷。 「設計」不侷限於商業實用性的功能面向,更是文化及生活的一部份;在消費文化產品中注入設計概念進行品牌推廣,更能彰顯商品的文化附加價值。同時,當消費者了解到設計價值的重要性與存在的意義之後,將更有助於提昇消費者的生活美感。 本研究由分析結果擬定設計策略,以作為視覺設計應用於地方特產品牌之創作基礎,使地方特產之視覺設計更具創意與文化使命
This study has been focused on how to utilize visual design to create traditional local food brand image as to benefit its marketing and promotion. It is based on the example of dried persimmons produced in a Hakka township in HsinChu County to launch the research of the relationship of visual image design and branding. Based upon the study of literature, "colors", "graphics", and "texts" have been defined as the main elements of visual conveyance that endorse the application of visual design theory for traditional local food branding. This theory contains four missions of conveying the message of products, building brand recognition, stimulating consumer demand, and promoting local cultures. The study also reveals that visual design plays a very important role in assisting branding image. It is beneficial for product marketing and sales if a special traditional local product brand can be established. "Design" is not limited to commercial practicality but also a part of culture and life. Combining the design concept with the consumer and cultural products for brand promotion, it will add up more cultural value on top of the products. In the meantime, when the consumers realize the importance and the value of design, it will increase their concept of the beauty of living. The design strategies are based upon the result of analysis. It has been applied to the artistic foundation of visual design of the special local brand and has enhanced the creation and mission of culture by practicing visual design.



地方特產, 品牌, 視覺設計創作, local product, brand, visual creative design





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