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科技的進步引領了教育變革,使新科技運用於教育現場,期望創造出 倍數效果,當虛擬實境不再只出現在生活娛樂當中,而是融入了教育系統中,同時開拓現代學生的眼界,更貼近當前趨勢脈動。過往研究較少針對VR做混成式學習並探討其實際操作的遷移效果,本研究以成就情緒理論以及驅動力理論作為立論基礎,探究技術型高中不同群科學生的自我效能是否驅使其面對VR設備輔助技能學習的情意層面有所不同,並且從「VR情境興趣」、「VR情境焦慮」以及「心流經驗」等情意層面探討學生從虛擬到實體的學習遷移效果。 本研究採用「備料達人廚房助手」VR軟體輔助技能學習,並以立意取樣法,以新北市技術型高中電子科及餐飲科學生作為研究對象,實驗過程共進行三次VR輔助學習課程,後進行一次的實際切肉測驗,回收之有效樣本數據共143份,後透過結構方程模式進行驗證性分析。根據資料分析結果如下: (1)虛擬實境的操作自我效能與VR情境興趣呈現顯著正相關。(2)VR操作自我效能與VR情境焦慮呈現顯著負相關。(3)VR情境興趣與心流經驗呈現顯著正相關。(4)VR情境焦慮與心流經驗呈現顯著負相關。(5)心流經驗與學習遷移呈現顯著正相關。此外,本研究試比較不同群科的學生對於使用VR輔助學習上情意態度之差異,實證結果發現電子科學生的VR操作自我效能及心流經驗皆高於餐飲科學生且達顯著差異。 本研究結果提供未來新科技融入技能學習課程上的實務建議與未來研究方面之參考。
More advanced technologies are introduced into classrooms, and this evolutionary change is expected to be of benefit to students. However, rare research has been done by blending VR with real practice to explore its transfer effect. To address this gap, the present research, based on achievement emotion theory and drive theory, aimed to examine whether vocational high school students' trait would affect their learning of meat cutting skills with the assistance of VR, in terms to investigate how self-efficacy driving emotional effects on learning transfer from their virtual experience to real-world tasks. The research adopted the purposive sampling. Students from vocational high school in New Taipei City were targeted to practice VR meat cutting for three times, and real meat cutting for once. These students were from two different majors: Electronic and restaurant management, to practice meat cutting via VR and blended real cutting afterward. 143 data were collected and subjected to confirmatory factor analysis with structural equation modeling. The research showed that: (1)VR self-efficacy is positively associated with learning interest with playing VR; (2)VR self-efficacy is negatively associated with interacting anxiety; (3)there is a significant positive association between learning interest with playing VR and flow experience; (4)interacting anxiety is negatively associated with flow experience; and (5)the flow experience is positively associated with learning transfer. Additionally, this research would also like to know whether the difference in students’ departments would also have resulted in students’ divergent learning attitudes toward VR assist learning. The score of VR self-efficacy and flow experience from students from the major of Electrical and Electronics are significantly higher than students from the major of Restaurant Management. According to the results, this study provided practical suggestions and also provided some new insights for future research.



虛擬實境, VR操作自我效能, VR情境興趣, VR情境焦慮, 心流經驗, 學習遷移, Virtual reality, VR self-efficacy, Learning interest with playing VR, Interacting anxiety with VR, Flow experience, Learning transfer





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